Abridged Application Instructions (Word Version)

General Information

Name of Entity
The legal name of the entity applying for financial assistance.
The county where the entity is located.
Regional Water Planning Area
Indicate which regional water planning area covers the proposed project location. Each regional planning area is identified by a letter ranging from A to P.
Contact Name, Title, Phone Number, and Email Address
The name and title of the person who should be contacted with questions about the abridged application. This is not required to be the applicant's lead official or authorized signatory.

Project Description

Project Name
The name of the project as it appears in the state water plan. TWDB staff should be able to identify your project in the plan by referencing this name.
Where can the project be found in the 2021 Regional Water Plan?
TWDB's analysis includes a review of the recommended water management strategy in both the regional and state water plans. Regional plans vary in their format, and capital costs may appear in different sections than project descriptions.
Phase(s) Applied For
The project phase(s) that will be accomplished with the requested assistance. Any combination of Planning, Acquisition, Design, and/or Construction may be selected.
Population Served When Fully Operational
This population should match the projection used during development of the regional water plan. If a different population is claimed, please attach an explanation of the methodology used.
Description of the Proposed Project
Please be sure this description includes all major project components and clearly states what the project seeks to accomplish. A high level of detail is not necessary at this stage – such information is collected later in the application process – but the description should make clear that the proposed work is the same as identified in the regional water plan.
Select all applicable options to indicate which emergency characteristics are associated with the project or applicant.
Agricultural Efficiency Project?
Indicate whether the project will result in an agricultural efficiency improvement. If the answer is "Yes", please indicate the improvement the project will achieve and attach an explanation of your methodology.
Household Cost Factor Information
TWDB staff will calculate the Household Cost Factor by dividing the project service area's annual average residential water bill into the area's annual median household income. These figures should represent the entire project service area, including all participants if the project is regional in nature.
Conservation/Water Loss
Indicate whether the project will address conservation or water loss. This baseline information will allow TWDB staff to conduct further review using existing data.
Annual Volume of Water Produced/Conserved
Please be sure to provide your response in acre-feet per year.
Readiness to Proceed
Select all applicable options to indicate the project's readiness to move forward after the application is submitted.

Estimated Costs

Estimated Project Costs
The amount requested in each category of assistance, as well as local project funding and assistance from other sources. Requests at this stage do not commit the applicant to accept a particular type of financing. An abridged application may request any combination of the three financing types:
  • Low-Interest Loans provide financing with a subsidized interest rate below the SWIFT program cost of funds.
  • Deferred Loans provide a deferral of both principal and interest for up to 8 years, or until construction is complete. This option is limited to projects anticipating a long administrative lead time before facilities are construction.
  • Board Participation allows regional facilities to be built with additional capacity to accommodate anticipated increases in demand. TWDB takes an ownership stake in a portion of the extra capacity and is “bought out” of the project over time.
Anticipated Commitments
Multi-year commitments provide the option to receive a commitment for the entire project amount, but close on portions of it over time. If "Multi-Year Commitment" is selected, please attach your proposed closing schedule, which includes the amount of funding requested per year.
Anticipated Debt Service Structure
Please indicate the type of debt service structure the entity anticipates requesting. If a non-level structure is requested, please attach further information.
List of Water Systems Served by the Proposed Project
Please list all water systems that will be served by the proposed project. For wholesale providers, this includes retail customers.
If applicable, please include:
  • Methodology for determining agricultural conservation savings
  • Proposed multi-year commitment schedule
  • Proposed "non-level" debt service structure

Turns Planning into Projects
