Historical Water Use Estimates
These estimates are produced using information from the annual Water Use Survey and water use estimates for irrigation, livestock, municipal, manufacturing, mining and steam-electric power categories. Summary estimates for 1999 and earlier are static historical estimates. Data reports for 2000 and later are generated directly from the TWDB's Water Use database and reflect the most current and accurate data available to the agency. Note: periodically, the data reports are refreshed to include any new or corrected information.
- Frequently Asked Questions: for more information on Water Use Survey estimates.
- Water Use Category Definitions and Estimation Methods: information and examples of water use categories and summary of methodologies used to estimate water use estimates.
- Optional Feedback Survey: We value your feedback! Please consider completing our optional survey to provide suggestions to improve our Historical Water Use Estimates and Groundwater Pumpage Reports and Dashboard.
Water Use Summary Estimates
The 2022 Water Use Estimates are now available.
Select a report link below, then filter from a dropdown menu on the top left of the report screen. After choosing from the dropdown menu, click 'View Report' on the top right portion of the screen to run the report. The data can be exported and saved as a PDF or Excel document.
2022 Summary
State and Region (Region Water Planning map)
Statewide Historical Water Use Estimates, 1974-1999
Annual water use summary for Texas by water use category and water source (groundwater and surface water). Multiple years can be selected and viewed at once. This is a static historical report. -
Historical Water Use Estimates by Water Planning Region, 2000 and Later (Includes Reuse)
Annual water use summary for the 16 water planning regions by water use category and water source (groundwater, surface water and reuse).
Historical Water Use Estimates by County, 1974-1999
Annual water use summary for counties by water use category and water source (groundwater and surface water). Multiple years can be selected and viewed at once. This is a static historical report. -
Historical Water Use Estimates by County, 2000 and Later (Includes Reuse)
Annual water use summary for counties by water use category and water source (groundwater, surface water and reuse).
Major River Basin (Major River Basin map)
Historical Water Use Estimates by River Basin, 1974-1999
Annual water use summary for river basins by water use category and water source (groundwater and surface water). Multiple years can be selected and viewed at once. This is a static historical report. -
Historical Water Use Estimates by River Basin, 2000 and Later (Includes Reuse)
Annual water use summary for river basins by water use category and water source (groundwater, surface water and reuse).
Regional Water Planning Water User Group (WUG) Utility Gallons Per Capita Daily (GPCD)
Historical Water Use Estimates by WUG, 2016 and Later
Annual water use summary for all regional water planning water user group (WUG) utilities including population, intake, sales and gallons per capital daily (GPCD). -
GPCD Report by WUG, 2016 and Later
Annual water use summary for individual water planning water user group (WUG) utilities with detailed gallons per capita daily (GCPD) report including population, intake, and buyer and seller reported water volumes. - Gallons Per Capita Per Day (GPCD) Calculation Descriptions
Public Water Systems
Historical Municipal Water Intake Report for Public Water Systems by Water Planning Region
Water use intake report for all surveyed public water systems by water planning region, including geographic information, monthly intake volumes and water source (groundwater, surface water or reuse). -
Historical Categorical Connections and Volumes by Public Water System, 2016 and Later
Annual retail water use volumes and connections by use category (single-family, multi-family, commercial, institutional, industrial, agricultural, reuse and unmetered) for all surveyed public water systems. -
Historical Water Use Survey Data for Public Water Systems
An interactive data dashboard that displays historical water use survey and estimate data by public water system in Texas from 2010-2020.
Other Water Use Related Reports
Historical Water Use and Intake for Industrial Categories
Historical Water Use Estimates by Industry Type, 2000 and Later
Annual water use summary for industry types based on 3-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, including intake, sales and number of surveyed facilities for each industry type. -
Historical Industrial Water Intake Report for industrial Facilities by Water Planning Region
Water use intake report for all industrial facilities by water planning region, including geographic information, monthly intake volumes and water source (groundwater, surface water or reuse).
Historical Irrigation Water Use Estimates
Historical Irrigation Water Use Total Estimates and Acreage by Crop Type
Annual irrigation water use summary including surface water, groundwater and reuse and acreage for crop types by county, 1985 and later.
Historical Water Reuse
Historical Water Reuse Intake Report, 2000 and Later
Water reuse intake report for all surveyed public water systems and industrial facilities, including both direct and indirect reuse intake volumes, seller (if applicable) and reuse type (landscape, agriculture, industrial and other). -
Historical Water Reuse Intake Report by Water Planning Region, 2000 and Later
Annual water reuse intake report for surveyed public water systems and industrial facilities by water planning region, including both direct and indirect reuse intake volumes, seller (if applicable) and reuse type (landscape, agriculture, industrial and other).
Water Use Survey Reports and Survey Submission Status
Water Use Survey Submittal Status, Prior 3 Years
Displays the three-year Water Use Survey submittal status (submitted, not submitted or admin incomplete) for all surveyed entities. Admin incomplete indicates that incomplete information was submitted. -
Historical Water Use Survey Records, 2000 and later
Provides copies of past Water Use Surveys through a search using survey number.
Supplemental Information
- Interactive Data Dashboard: displays historical water use survey and estimate data by public water system
- Frequently Asked Questions: for more information on Water Use Survey estimates and how they are derived.
- Historical Water Loss Audit and Conservation Annual Report Data
- Water Use of Texas Water Utilities Biennial Report
Note:Historical Water Use Estimates are specific to the location where surface and groundwater is used by end users, whereas Historical Groundwater Pumpage Estimates are specific to the location where groundwater is pumped from the aquifer. The location of use may not necessarily be the same as the location of the source due to water transfers or purchases from other geographic areas.
For questions about the Water Use Survey, please contact the Water Use Survey Team, (512) 463-7952