Historical Water Use Estimates

These estimates are produced using information from the annual Water Use Survey and water use estimates for irrigation, livestock, municipal, manufacturing, mining and steam-electric power categories. Summary estimates for 1999 and earlier are static historical estimates. Data reports for 2000 and later are generated directly from the TWDB's Water Use database and reflect the most current and accurate data available to the agency. Note: periodically, the data reports are refreshed to include any new or corrected information. Reuse volumes are only included in the data reports for 2015 and later.

Water Use Summary Estimates

The 2021 Water Use Estimates are now available.

Select a report link below, then filter from a dropdown menu on the top left of the report screen. After choosing from the dropdown menu, click 'View Report' on the top right portion of the screen to run the report. The data can be exported and saved as a PDF or Excel document.

2021 Summary

State and Region (Region Water Planning map)


Major River Basin (Major River Basin map)

Regional Water Planning Water User Group (WUG) Utility Gallons Per Capita Daily (GPCD)

Public Water Systems

Other Water Use Related Reports

Historical Water Use and Intake for Industrial Categories

Historical Irrigation Water Use Estimates

Historical Water Reuse

Water Use Survey Reports and Survey Submission Status

Supplemental Information

Note:Historical Water Use Estimates are specific to the location where surface and groundwater is used by end users, whereas Historical Groundwater Pumpage Estimates are specific to the location where groundwater is pumped from the aquifer. The location of use may not necessarily be the same as the location of the source due to water transfers or purchases from other geographic areas.

For questions about the Water Use Survey, please contact the Water Use Survey Team, (512) 463-7952
