Region P Planning Group

Region PThe Lavaca Regional Water Planning Area is composed of Jackson and Lavaca counties and Precinct 3 of Wharton County, including the entire City of El Campo. Other cities in the region include Edna, Yoakum, Hallettsville, and Shiner. Most of the region lies in the Lavaca River Basin, with the Lavaca River being its primary source of surface water. Groundwater from the Gulf Coast Aquifer supplies most of the water for the planning area. The largest economic sector in the region is agribusiness, while manufacturing, oil and gas production, and mineral production also contribute to the region's economy.

For a detailed map of Region P, please visit the Texas Geographic Information Office (TxGIO) Regional Water Planning Area Map Collection.

Lavaca (Region P) RWPG External Website

Region P Counties

Meeting Minutes & Updates

Meeting Minutes: Visit Region P's External Website link for official planning group meeting minutes.

Next Meeting: Please see the Upcoming Regional Water Planning Group Meetings webpage for information on the next Region P meeting.

Region P Related Links

TWDB Contacts for Region P

For regional water planning assistance, please contact John Maurer, Region P Planner.

For regional water project development assistance, please contact David Firgens, Team 5 Manager.