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2022 Mining Water Use Study

The mining industry in Texas is critical to the state's and the nation's economy, and the availability of adequate water is essential to many mining sectors. Accurate water use estimates and long-range projections associated with this industry are critical to Texas water planning process. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has granted funding to the TWDB for a study on mining water use and projections through the Water Use and Research Data program (USGS WUDR Program) and the TWDB is contracting with the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology (UTBEG) to conduct the study. UTBEG conducted a similar study in 2011-2012 and this new study will serve as an update to the previous study.

This study provided a comprehensive and quantitative assessment of mining water use across Texas and identified major mining operations in the state, including oil and gas, aggregates, and coal and lignite. Both historical and current water use were determined, and projections of future water demand were developed for 2030-2080 in each major sub-category within the mining sector, highlighting water use for unconventional oil and gas development. The study also analyzed water use patterns, technological changes, market trends, and water source information. An interactive dashboard was developed by the TWDB and is available on our website under the "Dashboard" tab. This information will be utilized in the 2026 Regional Water Plans and the 2027 State Water Plan.

Mining Water Use Study Historical Data and Projections Dashboard

The data in this interactive dashboard displays historical mining water use estimates by Region-County reported via the Water Use Survey, TWDB's non-surveyed water use estimates, the adopted 2022 State Water Plan water demand projections, and the DRAFT 2026 Regional Water Plan projections for 16 Regional Water Planning Groups and 254 counties in Texas.

To view the interactive data: Click on an icon on the left side pane and use the appropriate filters. Click the Reset Button to reset filters. Hover over data points for more information. Data is available to download below the dashboard.

Data Source Name Data Source Link
TWDB Mining Historical Water Use Estimates Historical Supporting Data for Mining (excel)
Non-Surveyed Mining Water Use Estimates Methodology Summary: Non-Surveyed Annual Oil and Gas Water Use Estimates
2022 SWP Demand Projections 2022 SWP Demand Projections by Category

Contract Details

TWDB Contract Manager:
Katie Dahlberg
University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology (UTBEG)
December 2020 through August 2022


  1. Quantify current and historical water use for hydraulic fracturing and produced water volumes
  2. Identify the sources of water for hydraulic fracturing
  3. Develop projections of future water demand for oil and gas (2030-2080)
  4. Identify locations of operations and quantify current and projected future water use for coal and lignite mining
  5. Identify locations of operations and quantify current and projected future water use for aggregates
  6. Collaborate with USGS personnel on water use for the mining category
  7. The TWDB will develop an interactive data dashboard, which will display the final water use estimates and demand projections

Final Presentation

The TWDB held the final progress meeting on August 25, 2022 to present on the results of the study. The presentation by UTBEG, meeting notes, and meeting recording can be found below. The final report and appendices can be found under the "Report" tab of this webpage.

Progress Reports

  1. Progress Report 3 - March 2022
  2. Progress Report 2 - September 2021
  3. Progress Report 1 - March 2021

Progress Meeting

The TWDB held a progress meeting on October 18, 2021 to present the current progress on the milestones listed above. The presentation by UTBEG, meeting notes, and meeting recording can be found below.

Kick-off Meeting

The TWDB held a Mining Water Use Study Kick-off Meeting on December 18, 2020 to present the tasks and timeline of the study. The agenda for the meeting included the purpose of the study and a detailed overview of the methodology, plus questions and answers from attendees. The presentation by UTBEG, meeting notes, and meeting recording can be found below.

If you have any questions or comments about the information provided in these pages please contact Projections and Socioeconomic Analysis Department
