Welsh Reservoir (Cypress River Basin)

Welsh Reservoir and Dam (Photo courtesy of AEP-Southwestern Electric Power Company)Welsh Reservoir, located in Titus County approximately one mile northwest of Cason, is owned and operated by AEP-Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) as a cooling reservoir for its Welsh Power Plant.  The dam was completed in 1975 across Swauano Creek, a tributary of Big Cypress Creek and was designed by Freese and Nichols.  The dam is a 4,720 foot long zoned earth fill embankment with a 20-foot wide crest and an uncontrolled spillway.  The top of the dam is at elevation 335.0 feet above mean sea level and has a maximum height of 60.5 feet above the streambed.  Welsh Reservoir has a drainage area of approximately 21.2 square miles, and is designed to be operated at a normal pool elevation of 320.0 feet above mean sea level.  According to TWDB 2001 volumetric survey, the lake has a storage capacity of 20,242 acre-feet with a surface area of 1,269 acres at its conservation pool elevation 320 feet above mean sea level.

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