Lake Weatherford (Trinity River Basin)

Lake Weatherford Service Spillway (Photo provided by the owner)Lake Weatherford is located seven miles east of Weatherford in Parker County, on the Clear Fork Trinity River, a tributary of the Trinity River. Lake Weatherford is owned and operated by the City of Weatherford and serves primarily as a water supply source for municipal and industrial uses. Construction on Weatherford Dam began in June of 1956, with deliberate impoundment and completion of the dam occurring in March of 1957.

In 1993 the service spillway was modified to repair flood damages and increase the overall spillway capacity. The dam crest was raised 3 feet to an elevation of 917.0 feet above mean sea level. A new service spillway inlet consisting of a four-fingered radial labyrinth crest was constructed and connected to the existing 9-foot square discharge conduit. The crest of this service spillway is at an elevation of 896 feet above mean sea level. The second stage emergency spillway channel at an elevation of 906 feet was widened to a total length of 1,400 feet. According to TWDB 2008 survey, at the top of conservation pool elevation, 896 feet above mean sea level, the lake has a surface area of 1,112 acres and contains 17,812 acre-feet of water. This reservoir controls a drainage area of about 109 square miles.

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