Lake Mineral Wells (Brazos River Basin)
Lake Mineral Wells is located about four miles east of Mineral Wells in western Parker County, on Rock Creek, a tributary of the Brazos River. It was owned and operated by the City of Mineral Wells for water supply purposes. Construction to the original dam began in 1918 and was completed in September 1920. In 1943 (but completed in January 1944), modifications were made to the original spillway, which increased the lake level by 2 feet. The embankment was raised and a concrete wall constructed on the crest with the top at an elevation of 876.1 feet above mean sea level. Additional rock riprap was placed over certain areas of the earthfill, and the roadway on top of the dam was raised to an elevation of 973.9 feet above mean sea level. The crest of uncontrolled spillway is at an elevation of 863.4 feet above mean sea level. According to the 2015 TWDB survey, the lake has a capacity of 5,461 acre-feet and encompasses a water surface of 477 acres at the normal elevation of 863.4 feet above mean sea level. The dam controls a drainage area of about 63 square miles.