Millers Creek Reservoir (Brazos River Basin)
Millers Creek Reservoir is located about nine miles southeast of Goree in Baylor and Throckmorton counties, on Millers Creek, a tributary of the Brazos River. It is owned by North Central Texas Municipal Water Authority for municipal and industrial water supply and recreational purposes. Construction for Millers Creek Dam was completed in 1974. The dam is an earthfill embankment approximately 9,250 feet in length and 75 feet height, with an upper elevation of 1,355.0 feet above mean sea level (msl, NGVD29). The emergency spillway, located at the west end of the dam, is an uncontrolled earthen channel with a 3,000 foot crest length at an elevation of 1,340 feet msl. The service spillway is a concrete rectangular-shaped drop-inlet structure with an uncontrolled crest at an elevation of 1334.54 feet above msl. The low-flow outlet is an 18 inch diameter concrete encased pipe at elevation 1,305 feet msl. According to TWDB 1993 Survey, the reservoir has a conservation pool storage capacity of 28,051 acre-feet with a surface area of 2,212 acres at an elevation of 1,334 feet above mean sea level. The dam controls a drainage area of about 228 square miles.