Lake Kiowa (Trinity River Basin)

Lake Kiowa is located about seven miles southeast of Gainesville in east central Cooke County, on Indian Creek, a tributary of Isle du Boise Creek, a tributary of the Elm Fork which is a tributary of the Trinity River. The lake is owned by the Lake Kiowa Property Owners Association, Inc. for recreational purposes. Water Right Permit (No. 2268, Application No. 2505) was issued by Texas Water Commission to authorize the dam on May 17, 1967. Construction of the dam started on July 3, 1968 and was completed on January 29, 1970. Deliberate impoundment of water began in March, 1970. The dam is approximately 1,800 feet long with a 150-foot wide concrete spillway. At an elevation of 700 feet above mean sea level. The lake can store up to 7,000 acre feet of water with a surface area of approximately 563 acres. The catchment area above the dam is approximately 16 square miles. Runoff is to be supplemented by groundwater when necessary.