Coleto Creek Reservoir (Guadalupe River Basin)
Coleto Creek Reservoir is located fifteen miles southwest of Victoria in Victoria County, on Coleto Creek, a tributary of the Guadalupe River. The lake is also sourced by other tributaries and extends into Goliad County. The reservoir is owned and operated by American Electric Power for cooling to power generation station and recreational purposes. Construction of the dam was completed in 1980. The dam is an earthfill embankment of 19,300 feet long, including emergency spillway. The top of the dam is at elevation of 120 feet above mean sea level, the crest of emergency spillway is at elevation of 107.3 feet above mean sea level. Maximum design water surface may reach to 114.8 feet above mean sea level. The service spillway is controlled by 7 tainter gates (40 foot width by 28 foot height) with an elevation of 99 feet above mean sea level at the top of gate. The reservoir has a capacity of 35,084 acre-feet encompassing a surface area of 3,100 acres at the conservation pool elevation of 98 feet above mean sea level. The dam controls a drainage area of approximately 507 square miles.