Champion Creek Reservoir (Colorado River Basin)
Champion Creek Reservoir is located seven miles south of Colorado City in Mitchell County, on Champion Creek, a tributary of the Colorado River. The reservoir is owned and operated by Texas Electric Service Company for municipal, industrial water supply and recreational purposes. The Water Right authorization to this reservoir was issue by the State Board of Water Engineers on May 28, 1957. Land acquisition started in 1957 and construction of the dam began on May 5, 1958. Construction was completed by general contractors, Moorman, Dewitt, and Singleton on April 30, 1959. Deliberate impoundment of water started in February 1959. The dam is an earthfill embankment of about 6,800 feet long with a maximum height of 114 feet at top elevation of 2,109.0 feet above mean sea level. Maximum design water surface may reach to 2,104.1 feet above mean sea level. The uncontrolled emergency spillway is located at the left of the dam with a crest elevation at 2091.0 feet above mean sea level. The service spillway is cut at the left of the emergency spillway with a crest elevation of 2083.0 feet above mean sea level. Based on data from TWDB Report 126 (1991) The reservoir has a total storage capacity of 42,500 acre-feet encompassing a surface area of 1,560 acres at the conservation pool elevation of 2,083.0 feet above mean sea level. The dam controls a drainage area of about 203 square miles.