Brady Creek Reservoir (Colorado River Basin)

Brady Creek Reservoir is located three miles west of Brady in McCulloch County, on Brady Creek, a tributary of the San Saba River which is a tributary to the Colorado River.  The reservoir is owned and operated by the City of Brady for municipal and industrial water supply and recreational purposes.  Water Right Permit (No. 1953) was issued for this project on May 2, 1960.  Construction of the Dam began on December 27, 1961 and was completed on May 14, 1963.  Deliberate impoundment of water started on May 22, 1963.  The dam is an earthfill embankment of 8,400 feet long and 104 feet high with an elevation at the top of 1,783 feet above mean sea level, with an uncontrolled emergency spillway at the right end of the dam and the its crest elevation is 1,762.4 feet above mean sea level.  The reservoir has a conservation storage capacity of 30,430 acre-feet encompassing a surface area of 2,020 acres at the conservation pool elevation (crest of service spillway) of 1,743 feet above mean sea level.  The dam controls a drainage area of 508 square miles.

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