Water Reuse

Water Reuse generally refers to the process of using treated wastewater (reclaimed water) for a beneficial purpose. The degree of treatment depends on the proposed use for the water. There are two major categories of water reuse: direct reuse and indirect reuse. Both categories can also be used for potable purposes. Examples of direct reuse for non-potable purposes include using piping reclaimed water to golf courses to irrigate, industrial center for manufacturing, and power plant for cooling purposes. Direct potable reuse is the introduction of treated reclaimed municipal wastewater either: (1) directly into a public water system or (2) into a raw water supply immediately before the water that enters a drinking water treatment plant (Health and Safety Code §341.0391).

2024 Meeting Announcements

Direct and Indirect potable reuse facilities in Texas and around the world

Recent Completed Research Projects

Testing Water Quality at the Raw Water Production Facility in Big Spring.

Testing Water Quality at the Raw Water Production Facility in Big Spring

Recent TWDB-funded Project Reports

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