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General Use Disclaimer:
Although the data have been subjected to standard TWDB review protocols and are substantially complete, the TWDB reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. All groundwater availability modeling data were developed for regional scale use only, and should not be used for local scale or individual site locations. Furthermore, the data are released on condition that neither the TWDB nor the State of Texas shall be held liable for any damages resulting from their authorized or unauthorized use.

GIS Users:
Many of our GAM databases contain features that are not compatible with ArcGIS Pro. We are currently in the process of converting these databases and will update the website accordingly. In the meantime, please contact us if you require ArcGIS Pro-compatible files so that we can prioritize the conversion of those datasets.

Resources for Contractors and External Modelers

GAM Standards
Updated July 2024

GAM Data Model
Updated December 2024 (31.5MB zipped, 168MB unzipped)

Project Deliverable Geodatabase Other Data
Aquifer tests and related well information from public supply wells in Groundwater Management Area 8 N/A N/A Data and report (9GB zipped, 11.3GB unzipped)
Carrizo-Wilcox, Queen City, and Sparta aquifers geodatabase for Groundwater Management Area 13 N/A Geodatabase (103MB zipped, 666MB unzipped) N/A
Mapping fresh, brackish, and saline groundwater in the Carrizo-Wilcox, Queen City, and Sparta aquifers in GMA 13 Project deliverables (1.6GB zipped, 4GB unzipped) N/A N/A
Updating the hydrogeological framework for the Gulf Coast Aquifer System N/A N/A
Development of Estimates of Recharge and Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in Aquifers of Central and Western Texas Project deliverables (very large file: 25GB zipped / 44GB unzipped) N/A N/A
Groundwater recharge model from remote sensing data (HydroBio Research Project) Project deliverables (17.9GB zipped, 20.3GB unzipped) N/A N/A
Hydrogeological frameworks for TWDB's groundwater availability models 3-D framework data for 8 major aquifers (26.3MB zipped, 385MB unzipped) Data for the Llano framework project (987MB zipped, 4.7GB unzipped) N/A
PMWIN updated water budget Project deliverables (211KB zipped, 500MB unzipped) N/A N/A
Vulnerability of Texas aquifers to pumping-induced subsidence Project deliverables (15.6GB zipped, 18.6GB unzipped) N/A Tool and User Guide (990KB zipped)
Evapotranspiration estimates with emphasis on groundwater evapotranspiration in Texas Project deliverables (217MB zipped, 228MB unzipped) N/A N/A
Digital climate atlas of Texas Project deliverables (618MB zipped, 2.3GB unzipped) N/A N/A
Improving Estimates of Groundwater Pumping in Aquifers of Central and Western Texas Project deliverables (380MB zipped, 1.94GB unzipped) N/A N/A