West Texas Bolsons Aquiferscross-section

Aquifer Facts

  • Aquifer type: unconfined
  • Area of aquifer: 1,898 square miles
  • Proportion of aquifer with groundwater conservation districts: 81 percent
  • Number of counties containing the aquifer: 4


The West Texas Bolsons Aquifer is a minor aquifer located in several basins, or bolsons, in far west Texas. The aquifer occurs as water-bearing, basin-fill deposits as much as 3,000 feet thick. It is composed of eroded materials that vary depending on the mountains bordering the basins and the manner in which the sediments were deposited. Sediments range from the fine-grained silt and clay of lake deposits to the coarse-grained volcanic rock and limestone of alluvial fans. Freshwater saturated thickness averages about 580 feet.

Groundwater quality varies depending on the basin, ranging from freshwater, containing less than 1,000 milligrams per liter of total dissolved solids, to slightly to moderately saline water, containing between 1,000 and 4,000 milligrams per liter of total dissolved solids. Groundwater in the central and southern regions of the aquifer commonly exceeds maximum contaminant level for arsenic, fluoride, gross alpha radiation, or nitrate-N. The northern regions of the aquifer are more likely to exceed the maximum contaminant level for total dissolved solids.

Groundwater is used for irrigation and livestock throughout the area and for municipal supply in the cities of Presidio, Sierra Blanca, Valentine, and Van Horn.


ID Date Type Description
Texas Aquifers Study 12/31/2016 Legislative Report Texas Aquifers Study: Groundwater Quantity, Quality, Flow, and Contributions to Surface Water
R-380 7/1/2011 TWDB numbered report Aquifers of Texas
R-356 12/1/2001 TWDB numbered report Aquifers of West Texas
R-256 8/1/1980 TWDB numbered report Availability of Fresh and Slightly Saline Ground Water in the Basins of Westernmost Texas
R-364 8/1/2005 TWDB numbered report The Hydrogeology of Hudspeth County, Texas
R-016 2/1/1966 TWDB numbered report Water-Level Data from Observation Wells in Culberson, Jeff Davis, Presidio, and Brewster Counties, Texas
AA06-01 6/10/2008 Aquifer assessment Water-level decline scenarios for the Capitan Reef Complex, Marathon, Rustler, Presidio-Redford Bolson, Edwards-Trinity (Plateau), and Diablo Plateau aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 4
GT10-028 7/29/2010 GAM task Predictive simulations for the Igneous and West Texas Bolsons aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 4
GT10-026 6/24/2010 GAM task Predictive simulation for the Igneous and West Texas Bolsons aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 4
GR10-003 6/29/2010 GAM run Predictive simulations for the Igneous and West Texas Bolsons aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 4
GR09-025 1/11/2011 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Igneous and West Texas Bolsons aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 4
GR08-088_MP 3/17/2009 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Presidio County UWCD
GR08-029_MP 5/28/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Jeff Davis County UWCD
GR08-024 12/19/2008 GAM run Predictive simulations for the Igneous and West Texas Bolsons aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 4
GR06-032 5/2/2007 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Igneous and West Texas Bolsons aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 4
GR06-017 7/18/2006 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Igneous and West Texas Bolsons aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 4
GR06-004 3/8/2006 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Igneous and West Texas Bolsons aquifers in Jeff Davis and Presidio counties
GR06-003 3/8/2006 GAM run Predictive simulation for the West Texas Bolsons Aquifer in Culberson County GCD
GR06-002_MP 3/1/2006 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Culberson County GCD
GR05-040 2/7/2006 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Igneous and West Texas Bolsons aquifers in Jeff Davis and Presidio counties
GR11-018_MP 1/23/2012 GAM run - Management Plan Culberson County GCD Management Plan
GR12-023_MP 8/10/2012 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Jeff Davis County UWCD
GR12-026_MP 3/21/2013 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Presidio County UWCD
GT13-028_TERS 1/15/2014 GAM task - Total Estimated Recoverable Storage Total Estimated Recoverable Storage for aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 4
GR19-007_MP 3/18/2019 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Presidio County UWCD
GR16-030_MAG_Add 6/24/2020 GAM run - MAG Culberson County Groundwater Conservation District Modeled Available Groundwater for the West Texas Bolsons Aquifer
GR23-010_MP 06/07/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Jeff Davis County UWCD