Nature-based Solutions for Flood Mitigation in Texas

Project summary:
The goal of this project is to synthesize guidance on the use of nature-based flood mitigation solutions into a single, statewide manual for Texas communities. The intent is to help address flood risk, water quality, groundwater recharge, habitat improvement, and community enhancement goals as independent nature-based solutions or in combination with traditional flood mitigation infrastructure. There have been many studies on this subject; however, more focused guidance that considers the efficacy of nature-based solutions within the various geographic regions of Texas is needed to support regional and statewide flood planning efforts and to help guide Texas communities to better understand and utilize these approaches.

The TWDB will contract with Freese and Nichols and the Nature Conservancy to examine and describe the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a variety of possible nature-based solutions for varying regions in Texas. The focus of this research is to identify the variety of nature-based solutions best suited for floods of varying magnitudes; the types of associated flood mitigation benefits, including additional co-benefits within social, ecologic, and economic categories; and the various methods by which these benefits may be described and quantified.
Project deliverable(s):
A guidance document for communities on pursuing nature-based solutions for flood mitigation in Texas.
Contractor (and Principal Investigator, if appropriate):
Freese and Nichols and The Nature Conservancy
Contract amount:
Approximately $450,000
Project lead:
Kelley Rich
Project timeline:
Estimated Public Draft Release Early 2025 and Project Completion Spring 2025