Highwater Mark Collection Assessment

Project summary:
Listed on the Texas Natural Resources Inventory System DataHub as the Highwater Marks Inventory 2014, these data represent highwater marks documented in the field by trained technicians following flood events along rivers and the coast. Applications of these data by local, state, and federal partners include estimations of peak stream flow, calibration of models, updates to flood hazard maps, and flood inundation mapping efforts. This project aimed to determine the feasibility of reviving this Highwater Marks Inventory dataset from 2014 to better inform flood science and decision making in Texas. Per the United States Geological Survey, “Documenting the peak height of high water is important information for historical purposes and for planning future development alongside rivers.”
Project deliverable(s):
A report to determine the feasibility of reviving the Highwater Marks Inventory for Texas.
Contractor (and Principal Investigator, if appropriate):
AECOM Engineering
Contract amount:
Project lead:
Nathan Brock
Project timeline:
April 2022 - August 2024