TWDB Outreach Resources

Water IQ

Water IQ: Know Your Water

A statewide public outreach water conservation program that educates Texans about water conservation. The Water IQ: Know your water program is designed to complement and support existing local and regional water conservation efforts.

State Water Plan

The 2017 State Water Plan was created to ensure that Texas has water for the future. Working together, Texans can achieve the plan's goal: dependable, safe, and affordable water for the future during times of drought.

Sixteen regional water planning groups review water use projections and water availability in dry or drought-of-record conditions. When a water need is identified, the planning groups recommend water management strategies to meet the need. The compiled information from the regional water plans and other sources is used to develop the state water plan.


Brochures are available for Water IQ and other programs. The materials are available for free in limited quantities and for a nominal price for larger quantities. Ordering information is available on our Web site.


K-12 school materials are also available through TWDB. These resources include units developed for specific age groups and range from coloring books for younger children to complete curricula for older students, with teachers' guides and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) guidelines. Interactive Web games and lessons are also featured.

Other Public Outreach and Education Resources

EPA WaterSense

EPA WaterSense

Designed to make it easy for Americans to save water and protect the environment by choosing water efficient products and services. Items that meet WaterSense specifications must be independently tested and/or certified, and only then can they carry the WaterSense label.

Alliance for Water Efficiency

Alliance for Water Efficiency

An organization dedicated to the efficient and sustainable use of water. The TWDB is a bronze charter sponsor and an early supporter.


United States Department of Agriculture-Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS)

USDA-NRCS works with landowners through conservation planning and assistance to benefit the soil, water, air, plants, and animals for productive lands and healthy ecosystems. At the local level, there are field offices at USDA Service Centers in nearly every county in the Nation.


United States Department of Agriculture- Farm Service Agency (USDA-FSA)

USDA-FSA is committed to enhancing the mission of the U. S. Department of Agriculture by increasing the participation of small or Limited Resource farmers/ranchers and ensuring their full access to FSA programs and services. The ultimate benefit will be improved economic viability for family farmers and ranchers.


Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB)

TSSWCB is the state agency that administers Texas' soil and water conservation law and coordinates conservation and nonpoint source pollution abatement programs throughout the State. Headquartered in Temple, Texas, the TSSWCB offers technical assistance to the state's 216 soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs).


Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts (TAGD)

TAGD was formed to further the purpose of groundwater conservation and protection activities. The TAGD provides a means of communication and exchange of information between individual districts regarding the day-to-day operation of local groundwater management.

Irrigation Association

Irrigation Association (IA)

IA is the leading membership organization for irrigation companies and professionals. Together with members, the IA is committed to promoting efficient irrigation and to long-term sustainability of water resources for future generations.