Major Rivers A Texas Specific Water Education Program

Major Rivers is a water education program designed to teach students about Texas' major water resources, how water is treated and delivered to their homes and schools, how to care for their water resources, and how to use them wisely. The program's host, Major Rivers (named for the major rivers of Texas) and his horse, Aquifer, cover these topics in eight lessons that include a variety of activities in science, math, language arts, social studies, and other subjects.

All the resources that were provided in the complete Educational Packages (previously available only by placing an order) are now available below under Teacher's Resources.

If, however, you would still like to order printed, full color versions of the student workbooks and home leaflets, you may do so by using the form here: Major Rivers Order Form.

Lession Objectives

The program contains seven main lessons and one review lesson. Each lesson has a corresponding section in the student workbook. There are also optional extension and enrichment activities at the end of each lesson.

  • Lesson objectives: These define important knowledge and skills related to water, and support many of the Texas Education Agency's TEKS objectives for social studies, science, language arts, and math.

Teacher Resources/Education Materials

  • Teacher's Guide: This 128-page resource offers guidance on how to use the Major Rivers educational materials and provides additional learning activities. These lessons include fourteen student hands-on labs or investigations, as well as corresponding workbook exercises and numerous optional extension and enrichment activities.
  • Workbook - English: Student workbook that has activities corresponding to the eight lessons in the Teacher's guide. (Printed version available to order. Classroom packs include 30 workbooks and 30 Home Leaflets.)
  • Workbook - Spanish: Spanish version of student workbook. (Printed version available to order.)
  • Home Leaflet - English: Home Leaflet shows parents what the students have learned, what they can do to help by sharing schoolwork, discussing household water use, encouraging good water conservation habits, and completing a home water survey included in the Leaflet. (Printed version available for order as part of the classroom packs.)
  • Home Leaflet - Spanish: Spanish version of the Home Leaflet. (Printed version available to order as part of the classroom packs.)
  • Handouts - English: Colorful handouts to be used with activities in the program.
  • Handouts - Spanish: The same colorful handouts available in Spanish.
  • Worksheets: Worksheets that correspond with various lessons and activities in the program.
  • Worksheet Answer Keys
  • Poster - Water Coursing Through History: This poster is used as part of the Water Coursing Through History activity in Lesson 3, Texas Water Supply and Planning.
  • Poster - What is an Acre-Foot?: This poster provides a visual of what an acre-foot looks like as it is discussed in Lesson 3, Texas Water Supply and Planning.

Note for teachers: Teachers may be able to get free or reduced cost Major Rivers classroom packs from a sponsoring water provider in their region.

For additional information, please contact TWDB's Water Education Specialist at or 512-463-0987.