Board Meeting Agendas

April 11, 2024 at 9:00 AM
Go To Webinar or City Council Chambers at Citizens Tower, 1314 Avenue K, Lubbock, Texas 79401
View Board Meeting Video | Printable Board Agenda

Visitors who wish to address the Board should complete a visitor registration card and either attend the meeting in person or arrange to address the Board via videoconference. The Texas Open Meetings Act prohibits visitor participation by telephone only. The visitor registration card is available and should be completed and submitted by e-mail to no later than 7:00 a.m. on April 11, 2023, or in person at the registration desk.

1. Public officials address the Board.

2. The Board will receive comments from the public on any matters within the jurisdiction of the TWDB the exception of matters which are subject to the ex parte prohibition found in Texas Government Code Section 2001.061.

3. Briefing and solicitation of comments regarding the implementation of the Texas Water Fund. (Kathleen Ligon)

4. Discussion regarding outreach efforts and activities by the Board.

5. Consider authorizing the Executive Administrator to execute contracts as approved and directed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in a total amount not to exceed $270 million for subgrants from the Fiscal Year 2022 Flood Mitigation Assistance grant program upon notification of award. (Kathy Hopkins) Board Agenda #05 Document

6. Approve by resolution a request from the City of Dallas (Dallas County) for $113,190,000 in financial assistance consisting of $90,090,000 in financing and $23,100,000 in grant from the Flood Infrastructure Fund for a federal grant award matching funds project. (Kathy Hopkins) Board Agenda #06 Document

7. Approve by resolution a request from the City of Dallas (Dallas County) for $16,675,712 in financial assistance consisting of $14,175,000 in financing and $2,500,712 in grant from the Flood Infrastructure Fund for a federal grant award matching funds project. (Kathy Hopkins) Board Agenda #07 Document

8. Consider authorizing the publication of proposed amendments to 31 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 365 related to the Rural Water Assistance Fund. (Marvin Cole-Chaney) Board Agenda #08 Document

9. Consider approving the Amended State Fiscal Year 2023 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Lead Service Line Replacement Intended Use Plan. (Marvin Cole-Chaney) Board Agenda #09 Document

10. Consider approving the 2024 State Water Implementation Fund for Texas program prioritization list, amount of funds available by category, and terms of subsidy. (Jesse Milonovich) Board Agenda #10 Document

11. Consider authorizing the Executive Administrator to: a) select contractors that may be used to complete Water Utilities Technical Assistance Program contract deliverables on behalf of participant systems; b) select systems to participate in the first round; and c) initiate and enter into contracts in a total cumulative amount not to exceed $2,000,000 to implement the WUTAP. (Jessica Peņa) Board Agenda #11 Document

12. Consider approving by resolution a request from the City of Mount Vernon (Franklin County) for $1,795,000 in financial assistance from the Texas Water Development Fund for planning and design of water and wastewater improvements. (Jessica Peņa) Board Agenda #12 Document

13. Consider approving by resolution a request from the Crystal Clear Special Utility District (Guadalupe County) to authorize a) $18,470,000 in financing from the Texas Water Development Fund for water system improvements; b) a waiver from the requirement to include funds to mitigate water loss as a part of this project; and c) a request for a waiver from the requirement that the project be consistent with the state and regional water plans. (Clay Schultz) Board Agenda #13 Document

14. Consider approving by resolution a request from the Cypress Forest Public Utility District (Harris County) for $10,400,000 in financing from the Texas Water Development Fund for planning, design, and construction of a sanitary sewer rehabilitation project. (Clay Schultz) Board Agenda #14 Document

15. Consider approving by resolution a request from the City of Aledo (Parker County) for $27,775,000 in financing from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund for planning, design, and construction of a wastewater system improvements. (Clay Schultz) Board Agenda #15 Document

16. Consider approving by resolution a request from the Harris County Water Control and Improvement District No. 91 (Harris County) for $5,550,000 in financing from the Texas Water Development Fund for planning, design, and construction of water system improvements. (Clay Schultz) Board Agenda #16 Document

17. Consider authorizing the Executive Administrator to execute an agreement with the City of Sugar Land (City) for a $28,000,000 grant pursuant to House Bill 1, 88th Legislative Regular Session, Article IX, §17.38. (Tom Barnett) Board Agenda #17 Document

18. Consider approving by resolution a request from the Stryker Lake Water Supply Corporation (Cherokee County) for $990,000 in financial assistance consisting of $290,000 in financing and $700,000 in principal forgiveness from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for planning, design, and construction of a water system project. (Tom Barnett) Board Agenda #18 Document

19. Consider approving by resolution a request from the City of Eastland (Eastland County) to amend Texas Water Development Board Resolution No. 18-059 to authorize $1,565,000 in financing from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for construction of a water system improvement project. (Tom Barnett) Board Agenda #19 Document

20. Approve by resolution: (a) a request from the City of Silverton (Briscoe County) for $14,990,000 in financial assistance consisting of $4,990,000 in financing and $10,000,000 in principal forgiveness from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for planning, design, and construction of a water system improvements project, and (b) a request for a waiver from the requirement that the project be consistent with the state and regional water plans. (Jesse Milonovich) Board Agenda #20 Document

21. The Board may adjourn into Executive Session and conduct a closed meeting to consider any item on this agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for the Board to conduct a private consultation with its attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. The Board may conduct a closed meeting to receive legal advice and discuss pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, or the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of specific Board employees, including the Executive Administrator and General Counsel, as permitted by Sections 551.071 and 551.074, the Texas Open Meetings Act, codified as Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. The Board may also meet in open meeting to take action on legal or personnel matters considered in the closed meeting as required by Section 551.102 of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Government Code. The Board may conduct a closed meeting to consider and discuss financial matters related to the investment or potential investment of the Board's funds, as permitted by Section 6.0601(a) of the Texas Water Code. The Board may also meet in open meeting to take action on a financial matter discussed in the closed meeting as required by Section 6.0601(b) of the Texas Water Code.

The next currently scheduled meeting of the Texas Water Development Board will be held in Austin, Texas on May 9, 2024. Other meetings may be scheduled and will be posted in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services such as interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, readers, large print or Braille, are requested to contact Jacque Lustig at (512) 463-8676 two (2) workdays prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.


This meeting is a public meeting under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law) may not enter this property with a concealed handgun. Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law) may not enter this property with a handgun that is carried openly. For purposes of this notice, "properties" means the room or rooms where the open meeting of the Texas Water Development Board is held.