Events for : June 29, 2016

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House Bill 30 Stakeholder Meeting - Blaine Aquifer Project6/29/2016 at 9:00 AM

The stakeholder meeting for the Blaine Aquifer brackish groundwater mapping project related to House Bill 30 (84th Texas Legislature, 2015) will be held on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at the Gateway Groundwater Conservation District offices located at 109 West 11th Street, Quanah, Texas 79252. Stakeholder participation is critical to the success of the project. Everyone interested is invited and encouraged to attend and participate. Presentation topics include: • Opening remarks by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Contract Manager • Introduction to project team, objectives, and methods • Discussion of the Blaine Aquifer including: - Brackish groundwater salinity zones - Potential production areas of brackish groundwater that are separated from fresh water in the same or adjacent aquifers by hydrogeologic barriers - Modeling objective for the potential production areas - How this information will be used in the 2016 Biennial Report on Seawater and Brackish Groundwater prepared by the TWDB for the Texas Legislature • Questions, input, and comments from stakeholders The presentation and a summary of questions and answers from the meeting will be posted on the TWDB website. Additional information about the project can be found at If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me or Jean Perez (512-936-4017; We look forward to seeing you at the meeting on June 29.

Gateway Groundwater Conservation District offices located at 109 West 11th Street
Quanah, TX 79252
Contact Person:  
 Jean Perez (512-936-4017)
