3rd Regional Water Planning Cycle (2007-2011) Region-Specific Studies
Some reports have accompanying datasets too large to post online. To request a copy of data on CD or DVD, please email the Contract Administrator. For all other reports contracted by TWDB, please visit our report page.
Region A
Region-Specific Studies (Contract Number: 0704830686)
Region B
Region-Specific Studies (Contract Number: 0704830687)
- Wichita County Water Improvement District Number 2 Irrigation Conservation Implementation Plan (April 2009)
Region C
Region-Specific Studies (Contract Number: 0704830687). Note: special studies and backup files are available separately on CD-ROM.
- Water Supply Study for Ellis County, Johnson County, Southern Dallas County, and Southern Tarrant County (April 2009)
- Water Supply Study for Parker and Wise Counties (April 2009)
- Direct, Non-Potable Reuse Guidance Document (April 2009)
- Indirect Reuse Guidance Document (April 2009)
- Region C Water Conservation and Reuse Study (April 2009)
- County-Wide Meetings Memorandum (April 2009)
- Toledo Bend Coordination Technical Memorandum (April 2009)
Region D
Region-Specific Studies (Contract Number: 0704830689). Note: maps and data are available separately on CD-ROM.
- Further Evaluation of Sub-Regional Water Supply Master Plans (May 2009)
- Brackish Groundwater Study (May 2009)
Region E
Region-Specific Studies
- Water Conservation Conference for Far West Texas Water Pan Region E
- Evaluation of Irrigation Efficiency Strategies for Far West Texas: Feasibility, Water Savings and Cost Considerations
- Conceptual Evaluation of Surface Water Storage in El Paso County
- Groundwater Data Acquisition in Far West Texas
Region F
Region-Specific Studies (Contract Number: 0704830691). Note: Documents and data files are available separately on CD-ROM.
- Final Memo Region K Coordination
- Irrigation Survey | Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C
- Groundwater Study
- Evaluation of Supplies in the Pecan Bayou Watershed
- Municipal Conservation Survey | Appendix A
- Study of the Economics of Rural Water Distribution and Integrated Water Supply Study
Region G
Region-Specific Studies (Contract Number: 0704830692). Note: Documents and data files are available separately on DVD.
- Study 1: Updated Drought of Record and Water Quality Implications for Reservoirs Upstream of Possum Kingdom Reservoir (April 2009)
- Study 2: Groundwater Availability Model of the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Dockum Aquifer in Western Nolan and Eastern Mitchell Counties, Texas (April 2009)
- Study 3: Regionalization Strategies to Assist Small Water Systems in Meeting New SDWA Requirements (April 2009)
- Study 4: Brazos G Activities in Support of Region C's Water Supply Study for Ellis, Johnson, Southern Dallas, and Southern Tarrant Counties (Four County Study) (April 2009)
- Study 5: Updated Water Management Strategies for Water User Groups in McLennan County (April 2009)
Region H
Region-Specific Studies (Contract Number: 0704830693)
Region I
Region-Specific Studies (Contract Number: 0704830694). Note: data are available separately on CD-ROM.
- Inter-Regional Coordination on the Toledo Bend Project
- Regional Solutions for Small Water Suppliers
- Study of Municipal Water Uses to Improve Water Conservation Strategies and Projections
- Lake Murvaul Study
- LNG and Refinery Expansions Jefferson County
Region J
Region-Specific Studies
- Study 1: Groundwater Data Acquisition in Edwards, Kinney, and Val Verde Counties, Texas (March 2010)
- Study 2: ASR Feasibility in Bandera County (August 2009)
- Study 3: Water Rights Analysis and ASR Feasibility in Kerr County (August 2009)
- Reference: The Lower Trinity Aquifer of Bandera and Kerr Counties, Texas
Region K
Region-Specific Studies (Contract Number: 0704830696)
- Surface Water Availability Modeling Study (April 2009)
- Environmental Impacts of Water Management Strategies Study (April 2009)
- Evaluation of High Growth Areas Study (April 2009)
Region L
Region-Specific Studies (Contract Number: 0704830697)
- Study 1 - Lower Guadalupe Water Supply Project for GBRA Needs (April 2009)
- Study 2 - Brackish Groundwater Supply Evaluation (April 2009)
- Study 3 - Enhanced Water Conservation, Drought Management, and Land Stewardship (April 2009)
- Study 4 - Environmental Studies (April 2009)
- Study 5 - Environmental Evaluations of Water Management Strategies (April 2009)
Region M
Region-Specific Studies
- Study 1: Evaluation of Alternate Water Supply Management Strategies Regarding the Use and Classification of Existing Water Rights on the Lower and Middle Rio Grande (August 2009)
- Study 2: Classify Irrigation Districts as Water User Groups (March 2010)
- Study 3: Analyze Results of Demonstration Projects (August 2009)
Region N
Region-Specific Studies (Contract Number: 0704830699). Note: Project files are available separately on CD-rom.
- Study 1 - Evaluation of Additional Potential Regional Water Supplies for Delivery through the Mary Rhodes Pipeline, Including Gulf Coast Groundwater and Garwood Project (April 2009)
- Study 2 - Optimization and Implementation Studies for Off-Channel Reservoir (April 2009)
- Study 3 - Implementation Analyses for Pipeline from CCR to LCC, Including Channel Loss Study Downstream of Choke Canyon Reservoir (April 2009)
- Study 4 - Water Quality Modeling of Regional Water Supply System to Enhance Water Quality and Improve Industrial Water Conservation (April 2009)
- Study 5 - Region-Specific Water Conservation Best Management Practices (BMPs) (April 2009)
Region O
Region-Specific Studies (Contract Number: 0704830700) (April 2009). Note: Documents and data files are available separately on CD-rom.
- Estimates of Population and Water Demands for New Ethanol Industries and Expanding Dairies;
- Evaluation of Water Supplies and Desalination Costs of Dockum Aquifer Water; and
- Video Conferencing Facilities Available for Coordination Between Regions A and O
Region P
Region-Specific Studies (Contract Number: 0704830701)
- Agricultural Water Demands Analysis (April 2009)