Welcome New RFPG Members

Welcome to the regional flood planning process for the State of Texas!

Referenced below are sources of information that may assist you as you familiarize yourself with the State’s regional flood planning process and planning efforts in your region. If you need additional information, please contact the TWDB Regional Flood Planner for your regional flood planning group.

Regional Flood Planning

The overarching goal of regional flood planning, and the comprehensive state flood plan, is to protect against the loss of life and property from flooding.

For new planning group members, please see the following welcome letter from the Deputy Executive Administrator, Office of Planning:

The following new member overview document provides a summary of the background of regional flood planning, key roles and responsibilities in the planning process, funding of the planning process, regional flood plan contents, and planning resources: Regional Flood Planning Group New Member Overview

The regional flood planning hyperlinks on the right-side bar provide access to documents and information such as frequently asked questions, useful links and resources, and upcoming meeting schedules.

Upon selection by an RFPG, you are now a member of the group and subject to Texas Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act requirements. This is of particular importance with regard to restrictions on interactions between RFPG members outside of their publicly posted meetings. For your convenience, here are links to the Office of Attorney General's Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act training that all members are to take within 90 days, but preferably prior to attending their next planning group meeting. Please ensure you obtain and maintain your course completion certificates.
