Texas Senate Bill 20 Expenditure Disclosure
In accordance with Section 2261.253 of the Texas Government Code, the list below identifies current active private vendor contracts with the Texas Water Development Board that are not posted to the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) website.
Vendor | Description | Amount | Contract ID |
Netsync Network Solutions, Inc. | Req#3607NetworkInfrastructureR | $40318 | 25-0346 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req# 3446-GTS_EQUIP_WSC_SW_Tex | $26970 | 25-0343 |
DAMAN CONSULTING, INCORPORATED | Req#3443 - Pravin Wadikar Temp | $140000 | 25-0344 |
TEXAS WATER FOUNDATION INC | Water Awareness Campaign | $2000000 | 2500012917 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req#3521_Dell Rugged_Jan FY25 | $18124.84 | 25-0302 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req#3511-Dell Laptops-Jan2025 | $49619.2 | 25-0297 |
CARAHSOFT TECHNOLOGY CORP | Req#3454-LinkedIn Feb25toFeb26 | $16623.96 | 25-0282 |
SEISMIC EXCHANGE INC | Req 3341 Seismic Data | $150000 | 25-0281 |
COMPUTERSHARE TRUST CO NA | Financial Custodian Services | $420000 | 2500012886 |
AGUA DEL SOL CONSULTANTS | Req#3271-Resrvor Evapor Rate | $65000 | 25-0270 |
MESQUITE GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DISTRI | FY24 Ag Grant-Meter Install | $50000 | 2413582893 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC | REQ 3219_STRM Plan & Support | $44633.4 | 25-0203 |
AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC | Req 33788 Lidar QAQC TxGIO | $241165.72 | 25-0268 |
FUGRO USA LAND, INC. | Req#3377-CONT_FugroLidarAcq_Tx | $1521211.88 | 25-0266 |
CITIBANK N A | JC Citibank 7493 Dec 24 | $19693 | 25-0243 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req#3395-Laptop Order_Dec 2024 | $44657.28 | 25-0245 |
Netsync Network Solutions, Inc. | Req#3388-Cisco equip sup renew | $43880.05 | 25-0246 |
IMPLAN GROUP LLC | REQ 3220_SubRnwl_Implan | $17050 | 25-0146 |
U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY | AY25_Subsidence data | $50000 | 2401792887 |
WORKQUEST | Req#3289-Contractor-R.Hollier | $120000.01 | 25-0221 |
IN-SITU, INC. | Req#3189-EQUIP_Portable Buoys_ | $42873.78 | 25-0199 |
CALDWELL COUNTRY FORD | Req 3058 TexMesonet Van | $59820 | 25-0193 |
ENVISION WATER LLC DBA ENVISION WATER | FY24_Brackish_Survey | $400000 | 2448302872 |
U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY | FY25_Wtr Investigations | $1682695 | 2500012890 |
SEILEVEL PARTNERS LP DBA ARGON DIGITAL | Req 2940 Argon Digital | $21000 | 25-0128 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req#3142 - Laptop Order_Sept | $48508 | 25-0125 |
LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY | FY24_RFPG_Reg10 | $2612500 | 2401792836 |
CITY OF NASSAU BAY | FY22 FMA | $5118745.69 | 2200012811 |
RESPEC COMPANY LLC | FY25_WaterDataforTexas | $75000 | 25-0121 |
Netsync Network Solutions, Inc. | REQ 2997_Fortinet Rnwl 1of3/YR | $34628.72 | 25-0079 |
WORKQUEST | Req#30392-TEMP_ContractSpecial | $40900.8 | 25-0096 |
U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY | AY25_Evap | $145000 | 2500012904 |
LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY | FY25 GW Analysis | $221000 | 2500012901 |
DELL MARKETING LP | 3135_KACE Maint & Support | $18289.43 | 25-0107 |
DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS UT AUSTIN | AY24 Subsidence Data | $191053 | 2401792868 |
BrightLeaf Group, Inc. | REQ 3007_Caption&Trans Srvcs | $30000 | 25-0059 |
WORKQUEST | Req#2991-WorkQuest Interns | $41614.02 | 25-0075 |
WORKQUEST | Req 2808 Emily Dalton | $42000 | 25-0062 |
GUADALUPE-BLANCO RIVER AUTHORITY | FY24_RFPG_Reg11 | $2144600 | 2401792837 |
WORKQUEST | Req#2795-TEMP RVazq_6moExtend | $92963.44 | 25-0001 |
WORKQUEST | Req#2843-TEMPFY25_CS-A.Rowe | $77040 | 25-0002 |
WORKQUEST | Req#2848-TEMP_FY25CS-C.Foster | $42800 | 25-0003 |
WORKQUEST | Req#2854-TEMP_FY25_FinancialEx | $61349.52 | 25-0005 |
WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION | Req#2895-FY25 Proflex Subscrip | $24888 | 25-0006 |
FED EX | Agency FedEx Blanket FY25 | $20016.38 | 25-0011 |
RFD & ASSOCIATES, INC | REQ2863 FY25_OLA Maint | $48000 | 25-0049 |
AGUA DEL SOL CONSULTANTS | Req 2760 FY25 Agua del Sol | $55000 | 25-0051 |
XEROX CORPORATION | Req#3158 - FY25 Agency Xerox | $44450 | 25-0116 |
AT&T MOBILITY NATIONAL ACCOUNTS LLC | Req#3280-AT&T FirstNet | $30000 | 25-0161 |
RSM US LLP | WUTAP | $150000 | 2400012862 |
SYNOPTIC DATA CORP | REQ2890_Sub_SynopticDataSrvc | $15360 | 24-0749 |
US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION | Req 2898 Voyager Cards | $188500 | 25-0034 |
WORKQUEST | WorkQuest HR - Calvin N. | $70261.6 | 25-0036 |
DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS UT AUSTIN | COMMS Contract (RGV) | $89999 | 2400012874 |
CALDWELL COUNTRY CHEVROLET II LLC | Req 2559 Trucks TexMesonet &SS | $173295 | 24-0727 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC | REQ 2827_STRM Post UAT Enhanc | $35500 | 24-0716 |
RJN GROUP INC | FY24 AMPSS Round 2 | $200000 | 2400012854 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req#2825-Laptop Order | $49796.53 | 24-0720 |
CALDWELL COUNTRY CHEVROLET II LLC | Req 2559 Trucks for Groudwater | $95980 | 24-0714 |
CITIBANK N A | August Citibank CC 3270 | $18630 | 24-0708 |
ARDURRA GROUP INC | WUTAP | $300000 | 2400012858 |
KSA ENGINEERS INC | WUTAP | $295000 | 2400012859 |
WATER FINANCE EXCHANGE INC | WUTAP | $140000 | 2400012865 |
WORKQUEST | Req#2687-TEMP CSpecialistFY24 | $17120 | 24-0692 |
TEXAS RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION | WUTAP | $145000 | 2400012863 |
LSPS SOLUTIONS LLC | WUTAP | $295000 | 2400012864 |
KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC. | FY24_AMPSS_Round 2 | $100000 | 2400012852 |
R M YOUNG COMPANY INC | Req#2446 - Wind Monitors | $29508 | 24-0685 |
BURGESS & NIPLE INC | FY24_AMPSS_Round 2 | $100000 | 2400012848 |
CALDWELL COUNTRY CHEVROLET II LLC | Req 2559 Chevy Malibus | $126477.9 | 24-0669 |
CITIBANK N A | VA Citibank CC 5292 JULY24 | $16691.78 | 24-0651 |
KSA ENGINEERS INC | FY24_AMPSS_Round 2 | $100000 | 2400012857 |
Seagull Water | FY24_AMPSS_Round 2 | $100000 | 2400012855 |
ALLEGIS GROUP HOLDINGS INC | REQ2202_BusAnaII_WSC | $348938.68 | 24-0644 |
HR GREEN INC | FY24_AMPSS_Round 2 | $200000 | 2400012850 |
HARRIS COUNTY | FY24_RFPG_Region 6 | $3770000 | 2401792832 |
S&P GLOBAL LIMITED | REQ2604_Rnwl_KingdomSftwrLic | $86528 | 24-0614 |
JACOB & MARTIN, LTD. | FY24_AMPSS_Round 2 | $100000 | 2400012851 |
TEXAS RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION | FY24_AMPSS_Round 2 | $300000 | 2400012856 |
FONDRIEST ENVIRONMENTAL INC | Req#2176-Level Meters-AndrewW | $28764.79 | 24-0618 |
LSPS SOLUTIONS LLC | FY24_AMPSS_Round 2 | $300000 | 2400012853 |
HALFF ASSOCIATES INC | FY24_AMPSS_Round 2 | $100000 | 2400012849 |
BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY | FY24_RFPG_Reg 8 | $2520600 | 2401792834 |
SAN ANTONIO RIVER AUTHORITY | FY24_RFPG_Region 12 | $2146300 | 2401792838 |
RFD & ASSOCIATES, INC | REQ2600_OLA_JBoss Upgrade | $15000 | 24-0601 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC | REQ 2570_STRM Enhancement/UAT | $48875 | 24-0577 |
OTT HYDROMET CORP | Req#2183-SatLink 3 | $40684.4 | 24-0593 |
NUECES RIVER AUTHORITY | FY24_RFPG_Reg13 | $2653900 | 2401792839 |
PANHANDLE REG PLANNING COMM | FY24 RFPG Region 1 | $2305100 | 2401792827 |
LOWER NECHES VALLEY AUTHORITY | FY24 RFPG Region 5 | $2394700 | 2401792831 |
ARDURRA GROUP INC | FY24_AMPSS Round 2 | $400000 | 2400012847 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req#2591-Laptops | $47917.24 | 24-0585 |
WESTERN STATES WATER COUNCIL | Req#2590-Membership Dues | $18000 | 24-0584 |
CITY OF SAN ANGELO | FY24 RFPG Region 9 | $2324000 | 2401792835 |
HIDALGO COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO 1 | FY24 RFPG Region 15 | $3103900 | 2401792841 |
CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC INC | Req 2284 Transducers IFB | $38159 | 24-0579 |
NOVALYNX CORPORATION | REQ2464_Windscreens/Legs | $21240 | 24-0563 |
CITIBANK N A | VA Citibank CC 5292 JUNE24 | $25320.5 | 24-0574 |
DAMAN CONSULTING, INCORPORATED | Req#2571-Daman Support | $34800 | 24-0575 |
RIO GRANDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT | FY24 RFPG Region 14 | $2591800 | 2401792840 |
HDR ENGINEERING INC | HDR Engineering DelValle | $50000 | 24-0560 |
SABINE RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS | FY24 RFPG Region 4 | $2151300 | 2401792830 |
ARK TEX COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS | FY24_RFPG_Reg 2 | $2078400 | 2401792828 |
TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS | FY24 RFPG Reg 3 | $2857800 | 2401792829 |
CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC INC | Req 2203 TexMesonet SensorsIFB | $70499.12 | 24-0536 |
CITIBANK N A | MM_Citibank_May2024 | $17100 | 24-0509 |
UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON | Estuary_TSS | $122381 | 2401792826 |
WORKQUEST | Req#2414-TEMP_C.Specialist I | $19260 | 24-0507 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req#2417-RUSH Laptop Order | $49984.43 | 24-0504 |
INTERGRAPH CORPORATION | Req 2308 Hexagon Software | $15748.92 | 24-0480 |
INNOVATION EVENT MANAGEMENT LP | 2025 Water for Texas Conf | $47905 | 2400012823 |
WORKQUEST | Req#2275-TEMP_Admin Assist_Exe | $46402.55 | 24-0444 |
Netsync Network Solutions, Inc. | Req#2048-3rdFlrInfrastructure | $55526.58 | 24-0440 |
FREEIT DATA SOLUTIONS INC | Req 2192 Netwrix Secure Access | $19955 | 24-0434 |
BOAT RIGHT MARINE INC | Custom Boat | $103833 | 22-0701 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC | Req 2258 STRM Enchancement | $49375 | 24-0401 |
BIS CONSULTING | PARCEL DATA for TxGIO | $100000 | 24-0399 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req#2121-Racks Kase System | $17730.44 | 24-0397 |
ALLIED CONSULTANTS INC | Req#1854-BusinessAnalystIII-AD | $242421 | 24-0391 |
NEOS CONSULTING GROUP LLC | Req#1854-SystemsAnalystIII-PG | $388486 | 24-0392 |
CARAHSOFT TECHNOLOGY CORP | Req#2208 Linkedin Renewal FY24 | $15096.91 | 24-0366 |
FUGRO USA LAND, INC. | Del Valle Digital Twin Service | $49705.44 | 24-0380 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req 1708 Dell Precision 7875 | $23429.47 | 24-0374 |
U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY | JFA - Coastal Monitoring Netwo | $595000 | 2400012764 |
CITIBANK N A | VA Citibank CC 5292 FEB24 | $17895.31 | 24-0363 |
DAMAN CONSULTING, INCORPORATED | Req #2067 Daman Consulting | $49950 | 24-0362 |
WORKQUEST | Req 2075Central Records/HRTemp | $65000 | 24-0334 |
WORKQUEST | Req 2009 WorkQuest Interns | $65584.35 | 24-0322 |
THE SANBORN MAP COMPANY INC | Req 2053 Sanborn/App Geo | $49000 | 24-0316 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req#2105-Jan24 Laptop Order | $67043.28 | 24-0313 |
THE SANBORN MAP COMPANY INC | Water Data Hub CKan Project | $330000 | 24-0312 |
Netsync Network Solutions, Inc. | Req 2066 CISCO Software | $41600.09 | 24-0310 |
IMPLAN GROUP LLC | Req 1857 IMPLAN Software | $15500 | 24-0299 |
FUGRO USA LAND, INC. | CAPPS PO Only | $66235.16 | 24-0289 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req#2014-Hotel Phase 1 Equip | $35062.5 | 24-0272 |
AT&T MOBILITY NATIONAL ACCOUNTS LLC | Req 2032 AT&T First Net | $41375 | 24-0268 |
LUNA DATA SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req 1858 Software Developer | $200000 | 24-0267 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC | Req 1957 MS Power Platform | $40000 | 24-0259 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC | Req#1968-STRM app enhancement | $49500 | 24-0254 |
MET ONE INSTRUMENTS INC | Req 1512 Rain * Weather Sensor | $55470.5 | 24-0252 |
SOFTWARE ONE INC | Req#1907-Softwareone Renewal | $46472.04 | 24-0253 |
WORKQUEST | Req#1917-FinancialExaminerIII | $45950.4 | 24-0209 |
KUDELSKI SECURITY INC | Req 1885 TrendMircro Renewal | $32209.17 | 24-0232 |
SOLARCRAFT INC | Req 1535 Solarcraft | $81278.9 | 24-0227 |
XEROX CORPORATION | Req 1913 Comms Xerox | $32000 | 24-0197 |
ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE | Req 1565 ESRI Advantage TxGIO | $104276.25 | 24-0168 |
ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE | Req 1737 & 1575 ESRI Renewals | $108451.86 | 24-0156 |
HYLAND SOFTWARE, INC | Req 1801 Hyland Software | $66336.75 | 24-0149 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Req#1762-Dell Restock | $49761.94 | 24-0144 |
WESTERN STATES WATER COUNCIL | Req#1792 Membership Dues | $18000 | 24-0116 |
KUDELSKI SECURITY INC | Req#1705-TrendMicroRenewal | $22449.81 | 24-0110 |
US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION | Req 1719 FY24 Voyager Cards | $173000 | 24-0113 |
BrightLeaf Group, Inc. | Req 1576 BrightleafFY24Blanket | $30000 | 24-0104 |
FED EX | FY24 Blanket Agency FedEx | $21657 | 24-0087 |
DELL MARKETING LP | Req 1475 Dell Quest Kace Renew | $18647.15 | 24-0044 |
AT&T MOBILITY NATIONAL ACCOUNTS LLC | AT&T Service -Blanket | $83232.71 | 24-0026 |
RFD & ASSOCIATES, INC | OLA_FY24 | $48000 | 24-0001 |
BrightLeaf Group, Inc. | BrightLeaf_FY24 | $49302 | 24-0014 |
WORKQUEST | TEMPFY24_PCS_ContractSpec.I | $59920 | 24-0015 |
XEROX CORPORATION | FEES_BlnktFY24AgncyCopiers | $65000 | 24-0122 |
AGUA DEL SOL CONSULTANTS | Collison Pan Project | $55000 | 24-0336 |
NORTHBRIDGE GROUP INC | Maintenance for TxWISE & CAS | $98880 | 2400012743 |
MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COUNCIL | FY24-27_MAC_580-24-RFO-0006 | $261000 | 2400012745 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | PC Refresh | $35524.18 | 23-0853 |
S&P GLOBAL LIMITED | ITSOFT_S&P Kingdom Renewal | $80117.04 | 23-0854 |
HANNON HILL CORPORATION | Cascade_3 year_Renew_23-26 | $40893.69 | 23-0767 |
WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION | Req#1347-BlanketOnlineResearch | $24025 | 24-0022 |
HIED, INC. | Adobe_Renew_2023 | $97569.49 | 23-0671 |
TEXAS A&M-KINGSVILLE | FY23 Ag Grant - TAMUK | $70834 | 2303582729 |
CHAMBERS-LIBERTY NAVIGATION DISTRICT | FY 23 Ag Grant - CLCND | $23545 | 2303582731 |
MAVERICK COUNTY WATER CONTROL AND | FY 23 AG Grant - MCWCID | $200000 | 2303582732 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Dell_laptop_July_Order | $190297.8 | 23-0848 |
EDWARDS AQUIFER AUTHORITY | FY 23 Ag Grant - EAA | $100000 | 2303582725 |
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY | FY23 Ag Grant - TTU | $249548 | 2303582726 |
COUNTY OF JEFFERSON | FY20 FMA | $1010727.9 | 2000012634 |
TEXAS WATER FOUNDATION INC | SERV_WaterAwarenessMural | $60000 | 23-0833 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC | STRM Portal Enchancement | $48000 | 23-0825 |
CITIBANK N A | VA Citibank 5292 AUG 2023 | $15480 | 23-0820 |
ACTIVE CYBER, LLC | Okta_Renewal | $56509.7 | 23-0763 |
ARROW MEDIA LLC | TNRIS Rebranding | $50000 | 2300012744 |
DLT SOLUTIONS LLC | Pluralsight_renew_2023 | $18020.48 | 23-0648 |
ALLTERRA CENTRAL INC | 0601_Alterra_TrimbleSurvey | $62836.02 | 23-0781 |
AVI-SPL LLC | AppSpace_2023_renew | $15247.06 | 23-0699 |
AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC | WSC/TNRIS_SteinHagenLake2 | $19505.57 | 23-0802 |
THE SANBORN MAP COMPANY INC | WSC/TNRIS LidarSteinHagenLake1 | $39185.2 | 23-0803 |
CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC INC | Water Content Reflectometer | $25758 | 23-0795 |
Netsync Network Solutions, Inc. | SaaS/software renew_2023 | $24585 | 23-0796 |
CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC INC | SUPP_CampbellSci_WSC/SW_ | $60158.28 | 23-0786 |
CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC INC | SUPP_Campbell_WSC/SW_Apr23 | $24288 | 23-0773 |
NEUBUS INC | Neubus Scanning Services | $1000000 | 2300012738 |
OTT HYDROMET CORP | Req#1170-SatLinks | $34932 | 23-0771 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Dell_7440 | $49460 | 23-0762 |
SURDEX CORPORATION | CONT_Surdex_580-23-SOW0029 | $300000 | 2300012735 |
CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC INC | SUPP-WSC/GWM-052223 CS451 | $46356 | 23-0752 |
NV5 GEOSPATIAL, INC. | CONT_NV5_SOW0026-TNRIS | $842442 | 2300012736 |
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON | NWS Models Little River | $100000 | 2301792722 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Dell_Laptops_7430 | $41208.6 | 23-0713 |
UNIVERSAL SONAR MOUNT | UniversalSonarMount_bracke | $16970 | 23-0737 |
LUNA DATA SOLUTIONS, INC. | WSC_CONS_Software_Develop | $615874 | 23-0736 |
Collier Consulting, Inc | BRACS study 580-22-RFQ-0010 | $224962.5 | 2300012709 |
INTERA INC | Tasks to support Brackish Aqui | $424475 | 2300012710 |
HDR ENGINEERING INC | HDR Engineering, Inc. | $100000 | 2300012714 |
CITIBANK N A | VA Citibank 5292 JUNE 2023 | $19685.4 | 23-0691 |
WORKQUEST | Contractor - Workquest_HR | $23438.4 | 23-0654 |
LRE WATER LLC | BRACS | $175000 | 2348302708 |
UNITED IRRIGATION DISTRICT | AG GRANT | $200000 | 2213582651 |
CITY OF GALVESTON | FY19 FMA SUBGRANT | $146250 | 1900012530 |
ORANGE COUNTY | FY19 FMA SUBGRANT | $1003984.04 | 1900012531 |
HDR ENGINEERING INC | State Flood Plan Viewer | $1500000 | 2301792719 |
WORKQUEST | PCS Contract Specialist Temp | $30884.7 | 23-0603 |
CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC INC | SUPP_CSI_WSC/GWM_01242023 | $70171 | 23-0604 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC | STRM Portal & ETL Process_ | $48125 | 23-0602 |
CARAHSOFT TECHNOLOGY CORP | DocuSign_Renew | $21081.6 | 23-0811 |
IN-SITU, INC. | Req#761- Water Quality Monitor | $59448.16 | 23-0598 |
CITIBANK N A | VA Citibank 5292 MAY 2023 | $42634.51 | 23-0596 |
GUADALUPE-BLANCO RIVER AUTHORITY | Seasonal Assessment | $180000 | 2300012700 |
S S PAPADOPULOS & ASSOCIATES INC | Investigate/Develop GW Avail | $130000 | 2348302712 |
WOLTERS KLUWER FINANCIAL SERVICES INC | TeamMate + | $42204 | 23-0567 |
OTT HYDROMET CORP | LT1 Goes Transmitters IFB 0637 | $92919.6 | 23-0560 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | ITEQUIP_IIJA_Laptops | $92814.15 | 23-0532 |
STANDARD AND POORS FINANCIAL SERVICES LL | Bond23 GO_S&P Global Rating | $36000 | 23-0503 |
FITCH RATINGS INC | Bond2023 SRF_ Fitch Ratings | $55000 | 23-0504 |
FITCH RATINGS INC | Bond23 GO_Fitch Ratings Inc | $35000 | 23-0505 |
MOODY S INVESTORS SERVICE | Bond23 GOMoody's Financial | $60000 | 23-0506 |
STANDARD AND POORS FINANCIAL SERVICES LL | Bond23 SRF_S&P Global Ratin | $128700 | 23-0511 |
DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS UT AUSTIN | AY23 Core Testing | $130000 | 2248302663 |
AQUA STRATEGIES INC | Remote Sensing GW-SW study | $250000 | 2348302706 |
MONTGOMERY COUNTY TEXAS | FY19 FMA | $10076167.19 | 1900012533 |
SANTA CRUZ IRRGIATION DISTRICT NO 15 | FY21 Ag Grant SCID15 | $250000 | 2103582577 |
MONTGOMERY COUNTY TEXAS | FY20 FMA | $12184632.91 | 2000012639 |
CAPITOL CHEVROLET MOTORS, LLC | Fleet Vehicles | $159329.36 | 23-0412 |
ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE | Req#748 Consult Services TNRIS | $22014 | 23-0440 |
City of Pearland | FY20 FMA | $499760 | 2000012629 |
CITY OF HOUSTON | FY20 FMA | $1456947.39 | 2000012636 |
CAPITOL CHEVROLET MOTORS, LLC | Fleet Vehicles | $41935.88 | 23-0411 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC | STRM-TxWISE integration | $49375 | 23-0312 |
22ND CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC | Business Analyst II DIR | $228637.68 | 23-0379 |
STATE OF NEVADA | DRI Lake Evaporation Data | $32004 | 23-0305 |
WORKQUEST | PCS Contract Specialist Temp | $44352 | 23-0366 |
SISTEMA TECHNOLOGIES INC | ITSAC Applications Architect 3 | $602746 | 23-0370 |
OTT HYDROMET CORP | OTT WSC/CS 580-23-IFB-0493 | $42380.2 | 23-0371 |
HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT | FY20 FMA - HCFCD | $14759720.61 | 2000012637 |
BRAZORIA DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO 4 | FY16 FMA Subgrant | $1334882.56 | 1600012124 |
RFD & ASSOCIATES, INC | SERV_RFD-OLA_OA/IT_JAN2023 | $24000 | 23-0286 |
HR GREEN INC | AMPSS | $300000 | 2300012696 |
LSPS SOLUTIONS LLC | AMPSS | $200000 | 2300012697 |
TEXAS RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION | AMPSS | $400000 | 2300012698 |
FREESE AND NICHOLS INC | AMPSS | $100000 | 2300012692 |
GARVER LLC | AMPSS | $100000 | 2300012693 |
GHD INC | AMPSS | $400000 | 2300012694 |
LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY | FY23 Groundwater Qual Anlst | $209272 | 2300012690 |
ENPROTEC / HIBBS & TODD, INC | AMPSS | $400000 | 2300012691 |
HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT | FY20 FMA | $5872718.76 | 2000012631 |
FUGRO USA LAND, INC. | FugroQL2LidarData | $253224.68 | 2300012688 |
INDEED INC | AnnualResumeSubscript | $20160 | 23-0210 |
INTERA INC | Cross Timbers Aquifer | $800000 | 2248302660 |
BAYVIEW IRRIGATION DISTRICT #11 | Ag Grant | $200000 | 2013582446 |
OTT HYDROMET CORP | WADS Texmesonet | $63562.4 | 23-0260 |
AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC | CONT_AECOM_580-22-SOW0022 | $118943.76 | 2301792702 |
NV5 GEOSPATIAL, INC. | CONT_Quantum_580-22-SOW0021 | $498934.8 | 2300012703 |
KUDELSKI SECURITY INC | DeepDiscoveryRenew- | $16830 | 23-0165 |
SOFTWARE ONE INC | SoftwareOne_MS_VolLic | $52448.4 | 23-0174 |
AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC | QA/QC | $81905.68 | 2300012687 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Coastal Science Workstation | $17765.65 | 23-0231 |
LAKE COUNTRY CHEVROLET INC | Malibu with options | $77112 | 23-0220 |
U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY | FY 23 Joint Funding Agreement | $1768100 | 2300012681 |
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY | Hydro Data Services | $405006.25 | 2300012680 |
LRE WATER LLC | Blaine & Seymour aquifers GAM | $500000 | 2248302661 |
Watearth, Inc. | FY 2023, WSI, env review | $75000 | 2300012669 |
ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE | ArcGIS maintenance renewal | $30527.25 | 23-0154 |
PRESIDIO NETWORKED SOLUTIONS GROUP LLC | Presidio_Cisco_Smartnet_FY23 | $30484.86 | 23-0237 |
HYLAND SOFTWARE, INC | OnBase SaaS | $228634.72 | 23-0143 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | Latitude 7430 | $46509.48 | 23-0134 |
CITY OF VIDOR | FY19 FMA | $429159.2 | 1900012528 |
CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC INC | CampbellScientific_061722 | $81083.16 | 23-0125 |
NORTHBRIDGE GROUP INC | TxWise and CAS Maintenance | $95040 | 2300012664 |
AUSTIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE | FY23 ACC Interns | $150147 | 2201792662 |
TEXAS A&M AGRILIFE EXTENSION SERVICE - A | Flood Priority Tool | $90448 | 2201792655 |
CAMERON COUNTY | FY18 Flood Protection Grant | $450000 | 1800012309 |
MONTGOMERY COUNTY TEXAS | FY16 FMA | $8801842.8 | 1600012123 |
CITY OF PORT ARANSAS | FY16 FMA | $173678 | 1600012097 |
ADMINMONITOR INC | Contract No. 2300012665 | $147000 | 2300012665 |
ADMINMONITOR INC | Contract No. 2300012665 | $147000 | 2300012665 |
SEAMLESS CENTENNIAL LTD | B230140 Centennial Tower Lease | $206885.28 | 23-0028 |
WORKQUEST | Goodwill Temp - Jackie Salinas | $76174.8 | 23-0103 |
LRE WATER LLC | Aquifer Study | $78317.7 | 2048302456 |
SOLARCRAFT INC | E221014 Enclosure & Controller | $30804.1 | 23-0093 |
WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION | FY23 ProFlex Subscription | $22453.32 | 23-0080 |
TRADE 1903 LLC | B230107 FY23 Hydro Lease | $112965 | 23-0078 |
CITY OF HOUSTON | FY15 FMA | $13879267.8 | 1500011981 |
AT&T MOBILITY NATIONAL ACCOUNTS LLC | TX Mesonet FY23 Modem Service | $27000 | 23-0074 |
AT&T MOBILITY NATIONAL ACCOUNTS LLC | B230001AT&TAgencFY23 | $38950.46 | 23-0065 |
STANDARD AND POORS FINANCIAL SERVICES LL | E231006 Bonds | $150000 | 23-0061 |
FITCH RATINGS INC | Bonds - 2022 SWIRFT - Fitch | $100000 | 23-0062 |
XEROX CORPORATION | Xerox Blanket_Comms | $22101.36 | 23-0221 |
AGUA DEL SOL CONSULTANTS | Collison pan project | $55000 | 23-0238 |
3920 GTPXII LLC | B230027 3920 Atrium LP Lease | $28993.24 | 23-0032 |
FED EX | B230004 FedEx Blanket | $19705.7 | 23-0035 |
APPLIED GEOGRAPHICS INC | Data Hub Dev B230762 | $160000 | 23-0038 |
SAVVY TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS LLC | E230086 Cludo Renewal | $18700 | 23-0003 |
WJA PROPERTIES LLC | B230028 Harlingen Field | $18520.45 | 23-0022 |
OLA ALEXANDER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP | Mesquite Field Office Lse FY23 | $25796.4 | 23-0024 |
US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION | B230014 US Bank - Fleet Cards | $168700 | 23-0057 |
WEAVER AND TIDWELL, L.L.P. | CFO to GO | $500000 | 2321602667 |
COHNREZNICK LLP | CFO to GO | $500000 | 2321602668 |
BONDLINK INC | E231004 Bondlink | $40000 | 23-0056 |
WORKQUEST | B230308 WorkQuest Robert Lerma | $47192.23 | 23-0052 |
MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COUNCIL | Access to Texas Bond Issuer Da | $122850 | 1900012337 |
CITY OF TAYLOR VILLAGE | FY20 FMA | $3120005.04 | 2000012638 |
XEROX CORPORATION | Xerox Rental Svc | $50913 | 23-0030 |
BrightLeaf Group, Inc. | B230119 Britghleaf Blanket | $26000 | 23-0031 |
U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY | Sediment Sampling | $59745 | 2000012412 |
CITY OF HOUSTON | FY18 FMA | $5355346.79 | 2000012427 |
LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT COUN | Stream Observational Network | $39713.8 | 2100012462 |
U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY | FY21 JFA for Water Resource In | $1312028 | 2100012471 |
U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY | FY22 JFA - Stream Gauging | $1164588 | 2100012580 |
TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY - SAN MARCOS | Stream Flows Study | $75000 | 2100012585 |
AUSTIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE | TNRIS Interns | $80696.17 | 2000012376 |
DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS UT AUSTIN | Flood Comms | $239938 | 2201792659 |
WSP USA INC | Interactions/Recharge Modeling | $130002.71 | 2048302455 |
WSP USA INC | Injectate Tool Dev | $182559.86 | 2000012453 |
CITY OF BEVIL OAKS | FY17 FMA | $3214647.8 | 1700012368 |
HOUSTON ADVANCED RESEARCH CENTER | Lake Livingston Study | $51723.08 | 2000012458 |
JEFFERSON COUNTY DRAINAGE DIST #6 | FY18 FMA | $5723576.25 | 2000012424 |
HARDIN COUNTY | FY20 FMA | $382567.78 | 2000012425 |
CITY OF HOUSTON | FY18 FMA | $1246648.3 | 2000012426 |
JEFFERSON COUNTY DRAINAGE DIST #6 | FY18 FMA | $4246000 | 2000012429 |
CITY OF JERSEY VILLAGE | FY18 FMA | $600000 | 2000012430 |
CITY OF NASSAU BAY | FY20 FMA | $1963193.64 | 2000012431 |
U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY | Flood Decision Support Toolbox | $160000 | 2000012433 |
CITY OF JERSEY VILLAGE | FY20 FMA | $4536131 | 2000012632 |
EL PASO COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENT DISTRIC | FY20 Ag Grant | $300000 | 2013582447 |
LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY | FY20 Ag Grant | $244744 | 2013582448 |
NORTH PLAINS GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DI | FY20 Ag Grant | $250000 | 2013582449 |
U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY | Joint Funding Agreement | $137550 | 2100012592 |
U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY | Flood Risk Planning | $647875 | 2100012523 |
US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS GALVESTON DIS | Flood Risk Planning Project | $1183000 | 2100012549 |
DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS UT AUSTIN | Flood Transition Zone Study | $175000 | 2201792620 |
NORTH PLAINS GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DI | FY22 Ag Grant | $300000 | 2213582646 |
PANHANDLE GROUND WATER CONSERVATION DIST | FY22 Ag Grant | $75000 | 2213582647 |
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY | FY22 Ag Grant | $264664 | 2213582650 |
MENARD COUNTY WATER CONTROL & IMPROVEMEN | FY21 Ag Grant | $65900 | 2103582574 |
NORTH PLAINS GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DI | FY21 Ag Grant | $250000 | 2103582576 |
LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY | FY 2022 Groundwater Quality An | $122406 | 2200012587 |
TEXAS A&M ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION | Gridded Reservoir Evap DB | $137327.86 | 2200012601 |
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON | Engineering Reviews | $1572500 | 2200012608 |
U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY | Sediment Study | $647366 | 2200012610 |
EDWARDS AQUIFER AUTHORITY | FY22 Ag Grant | $100000 | 2213582643 |
EL PASO COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENT DISTRIC | FY22 Ag Grant | $150000 | 2213582644 |
PANHANDLE REG PLANNING COMM | 6th Cycle RWP - Region A | $728609.3 | 2148302553 |
RED RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS | 6th Cycle RWP - Region B | $427028.52 | 2148302554 |
TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS | 6th Cycle RWP - Region C | $2340070.6 | 2148302555 |
RIVERBEND WATER RESOURCES DISTRICT | 6th Cycle RWP - Region D | $1145815.8 | 2148302556 |
RIO GRANDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT | 6th Cycle RWP - Region E | $476590 | 2148302557 |
COLORADO RIVER MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT | 6th Cycle RWP - Region F | $1048892.6 | 2148302558 |
BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY | 6th Cycle RWP - Region G | $1885941.4 | 2148302559 |
SAN JACINTO RIVER AUTHORITY | 6th Cycle RWP - Region H | $2029957.2 | 2148302560 |
CITY OF NACOGDOCHES | 6th Cycle RWP - Region I | $1158680.2 | 2148302561 |
UPPER GUADALUPE RIVER AUTHORITY - PWPG | 6th Cycle RWP - Region J | $399196.22 | 2148302562 |
LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY | 6th Cycle RWP - Region K | $908073 | 2148302563 |
SAN ANTONIO RIVER AUTHORITY | 6th Cycle RWP - Region L | $1076172 | 2148302564 |
LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT COUN | 6th Cycle RWP - Region M | $828921.4 | 2148302565 |
NUECES RIVER AUTHORITY | 6th Cycle RWP - Region N | $547839.6 | 2148302566 |
SOUTH PLAINS ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS | 6th Cycle RWP - Region O | $776728.6 | 2148302567 |
LAVACA-NAVIDAD RIVER AUTHORITY | 6th Cycle RWP - Region P | $335893.58 | 2148302568 |
PANHANDLE REG PLANNING COMM | Regional Flood Planning - R1 | $732503.53 | 2101792487 |
TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS | Regional Flood Planning - R3 | $1535607.34 | 2101792488 |
SABINE RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS | Regional Flood Planning - R4 | $879178.72 | 2101792489 |
LOWER NECHES VALLEY AUTHORITY | Regional Flood Planning - R5 | $1405910.8 | 2101792490 |
HARRIS COUNTY | Regional Flood Planning - R6 | $2109912.99 | 2101792491 |
SOUTH PLAINS ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS | Regional Flood Planning - R7 | $1106688.28 | 2101792492 |
BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY | Regional Flood Planning - R8 | $983387.49 | 2101792493 |
CITY OF SAN ANGELO | Regional Flood Planning - R9 | $831687.21 | 2101792494 |
LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY | Regional Flood Planning - R10 | $1156504.64 | 2101792495 |
GUADALUPE-BLANCO RIVER AUTHORITY | Regional Flood Planning - R11 | $813654.25 | 2101792496 |
SAN ANTONIO RIVER AUTHORITY | Regional Flood Planning - R12 | $1519865.6 | 2101792497 |
NUECES RIVER AUTHORITY | Regional Flood Planning - R13 | $773318.98 | 2101792498 |
RIO GRANDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT | Regional Flood Planning - R14 | $928835.49 | 2101792499 |
HIDALGO COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO 1 | Regional Flood Planning - R15 | $1226415.49 | 2101792500 |
ARK TEX COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS | Regional Flood Planning - R2 | $911061.54 | 2101792501 |
CITY OF JERSEY VILLAGE | FY18 FMA | $81186.32 | 2000012419 |
JEFFERSON COUNTY DRAINAGE DIST #6 | FY18 FMA | $71180 | 2000012420 |
JEFFERSON COUNTY DRAINAGE DIST #6 | FY18 FMA | $1092393.79 | 2000012421 |
CITY OF PARIS | FY18 FMA | $36547 | 2000012422 |
CITY OF LONGVIEW | FY17 FMA | $179908.28 | 1700012369 |
HARRIS COUNTY | FY17 FMA | $9765847.31 | 1700012370 |
CITY OF NASSAU BAY | FY17 FMA | $133363.08 | 1700012373 |
City of McAllen | FY17 FMA | $1398424.98 | 1700012399 |
CITY OF FORT WORTH | FY17 FMA | $550000 | 1700012478 |
NORTH PLAINS GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DI | FY17 Ag Grant | $171011.95 | 1713582118 |
NORTH PLAINS GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DI | Ag Grant | $100000 | 1713582137 |
GALVESTON COUNTY | FY15 FMA | $3419406.37 | 1500012085 |
HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT | FY16 FMA | $13275226.78 | 1600012121 |
BANDERA COUNTY RIVER AUTHORITY & GROUNDW | FEWS Bandera and Uvalde Counti | $60401.79 | 1800012307 |
CITY OF JERSEY VILLAGE | FY17 FMA | $74972.87 | 1700012330 |
HARDIN COUNTY | FY17 FMA | $1432828.42 | 1700012367 |
TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS | Ph 4 Assessment | $30236.5 | 2000012407 |
City of Pearland | FY19 FMA | $1073790 | 1900012532 |
GALVESTON COUNTY | FY19 FMA | $6606442.26 | 1900012535 |
CITY OF HOUSTON | FY19 FMA | $5582171.94 | 1900012537 |
CITY OF HOUSTON | FY19 FMA | $7208149.93 | 1900012538 |
EL PASO COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENT DISTRIC | FY19 Ag Grant | $180000 | 1913582343 |
CITY OF NASSAU BAY | FY19 FMA | $466000.52 | 1900012529 |
COHNREZNICK LLP | Accounting Services | $562200.41 | 1900012338 |
AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC | Flood Modeling and Mapping | $4786777.07 | 2101792542 |
ATKINSREALIS USA, INC. | Flood Modeling and Mapping | $5221908.46 | 2101792543 |
FREESE AND NICHOLS INC | Flood Modeling and Mapping | $4750379.67 | 2101792544 |
HALFF ASSOCIATES INC | Flood Modeling and Mapping | $7748830 | 2101792545 |
STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC | Flood Modeling and Mapping | $4503030.64 | 2101792546 |
NORTHBRIDGE GROUP INC | TxWISE Enhancements | $362260 | 2200012599 |
WEAVER AND TIDWELL, L.L.P. | Accounting Services | $561184 | 1900012341 |
COMPUTERSHARE TRUST CO NA | Financial Custodian | $831150.38 | 1900012372 |
COMPUTERSHARE TRUST CO NA | Financial Custodian | $831150.38 | 1900012372 |
GSI ENVIRONMENTAL INC | Update GAM | $111258.43 | 1948312321 |
INNOVATION EVENT MANAGEMENT LP | Event Planning Services | $30786.54 | 2000012374 |
DANIEL B STEPHENS & ASSOCIATES INC | Marathon Aquifer Model | $46576.33 | 2048302454 |
NORTHBRIDGE GROUP INC | TxWISE Enhancements | $19224.5 | 1900012315 |
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON | FEWS Guidance | $62497.35 | 2101792481 |
CITY OF HOUSTON | FY16 FMA | $12364111.49 | 1600012122 |
WHARTON COUNTY | FY2018 FLOOD PROTECTION PLANNI | $56407.21 | 1800012314 |
HALFF ASSOCIATES INC | Cooperating Technical Partners | $1459537.22 | 1800012225 |
Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company | Safekeeping Agreement | $12,000 | 9900012161 |
Black & Veatch Corporation | Continuation of TRD-201202433, Topic 2, A Manual to Assist Utilities in Reducing Water Loss, Continuation of 1248321506 | $18,183.52 | 1248321793 |
RFD & Associates Inc. | FY 2019 Online Loan Application Financial Assistance Application Re-write Enhancement | $1,7365 | 1900012296 |
Aqua Strategies, Inc. | Photogrammetric processing of survey data collected from an aerial drone to create a digital elevation model of a river corridor | $9,825 | 2300012721 |
Innovation Event Management, LP | Event Management and planning services for Water for Texas 2025 | $47,905 | 2400012823 |
WSP USA, Inc. | Maintenance and Upkeep of Online Tools Developed for TWDB Contract No. 2000012453. These tools were created by WSP for TWDB BRACS team of the Groundwater Division to accurately track and model injectate migration. | $9,500 | 2248302616 |
Austin American Statesman | Advertising Agreement | $4,998 | 2000012354 |
Sensis Inc. | Contract for development of communication and marketing plan for the Texas Water Data Hub. Funding is from a grant recieved from the Water Foundation (Contract No 2400012824). | $48,000 | 2400012873 |
3 Wiggle LLC a Texas Limited Liability Company | FY21 Blanket for Lubbock Field Office Lease; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $5,703.96 | 0003 |
3920 Atrium LP dba One Cornerstone Atrium | FY21 Blanket for Houston Field Office Lease; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $28,976.76 | 0004 |
ABM Irrigation, Inc. | Qty 30ea. 3-inch aluminum core tube - 10FT sections. Sediment core tubes for Hydrosurvey Program's coring procedures to fulfill contract obligations with reservoir owners/controlling authorities. SEE ER for Specific Delivery Instructions. | $1,126.00 | 0273 |
Action Marine Service | FY21 Blanket for boat repairs and maintenance; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $2,000.00 | 0276 |
ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC. | FY21 Blanket for Mesquite field office Security Services; 9/1/20-8/31/21 - Acct#: 2375080 | $783.00 | 0091 |
AHI Enterprises | Blue file folders, letter sized, 100/box | $11.98 | 0407 |
AHI Enterprises | File Folder, 1-ply tab, 1/3 Cut Assorted Top Tab, Letter, 11 pt. Manila,100/Box, File Pocket, 1-3/4" Expansion, Straight Tab, Letter, Redrope/Manila, 25/Box | $52.46 | 0538 |
AIRGAS USA LLC | FY21 Blanket for welding supplies; 9/22/20-8/31/21 | $600.00 | 0330 |
A-Line Auto Parts | FY21 Blanket for auto parts; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $850.00 | 0014 |
ALLIANCE WORK PARTNERS | FY21 Blanket for Employee Assistance Program services; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $6,044.00 | 0010 |
ALLTERRA CENTRAL INC | FY21 Blanket for WSC supplies; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $3,100.00 | 0283 |
ALTEX ELECTRONICS | FY21 Blanket for supplies; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $2,200.00 | 0296 |
Alysa Suydam | Tuition reimbursement for EER396 Course, Energy Finance, Semester: 8/26/20 to 12/16/20 Employee ID for Alysa Suydam - 70005689370 PR1 | $2,500.00 | 0096 |
American Planning Association | American Planning Association New membership fee for Katie Dahlberg - Term: 11/1/2020 - 10/31/2021 | $109.00 | 0068 |
American Planning Association | APA Professional Membership/Texas Chapter for Kevin Kluge. Term 11/01/20 - 10/31/21. | $489.00 | 0075 |
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing | ASPRS Membership Renewals: Gayla Mullins, ID 40752. Membership: 2/1/21-1/31/22 Joey Thomas, ID 73668. Membership: 2/1/21-1/31/22 | $300.00 | 0081 |
American Society of Civil Engineers - Texas Section | Registration for John Zhu to attend CECON virtual conference on November 4-6, 2020. Please register at: https://texascecon.org/registration/ | $135.00 | 0291 |
American Water Resources Association | Registration fee for Katie Dahlberg, Emma Jones, and Amanda Covington to attend the AWRA's 2021 Virtual Summer Conference on July 19 - 21, 2021 via online. | $885.00 | 0348 |
American Water Works Association (AWWA) | Registration for John Zhu to the Texas WaterTM 2021 virtual conference March 29-April 1, 2021 | $200.00 | 0358 |
American Water Works Association (AWWA) | AWWA Renewal Membership fee for Erika Mancha Member # 01254472. Term February 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022 | $231.00 | 0364 |
American Water Works Association (AWWA) | Renewal of Holly Vierk AWWA membership (3/1/21 - 2/28/22) | $231.00 | 0384 |
APPLE COMPUTER, INC | mac book | $1,817.00 | 0050 |
Aquaveo, LLC | Software required for core H&H modeling tasks for multiple surface water divisions. | $7,709.00 | 0604 |
Association of State Floodplain Managers | ASFPM Membership renewal for Veronica Villalobos-Pogue. Membership for 2021 - 01/01/21 through 12/31/21. Member number 35233. | $165.00 | 0392 |
Association of State Floodplain Managers | 16 Flood Science and Community Assistance staff are registering to become new ASFPM members. It costs $165. | $2,640.00 | 0400 |
Association of State Floodplain Managers | ASFPM Conference - Member x5 and non-member x16 Early Bird registration rate; Additional workshop "Maximizing FEMA Funding Mechanisms to advance mitigation for Kathy Hopkins" | $8,175.00 | 0610 |
AT&T CORP | FY21 Blanket for FirstNet Communication Services for Mesonet circuits and station modems. | $42,810.00 | 0012 |
AT&T CORP | FY21 Blanket for AT&T Land line at the Hydro Lab; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $953.00 | 0016 |
AT&T CORP | FY21 Blanket for Houston Field Office Landline Services; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $2,026.00 | 0036 |
AT&T CORP | FY21 Blanket for Wireless Services for O&A ($800), Finance ($1,750) OGC ($592) Exec ($3,000),Comm ($3,000),IT ($960),BOD ($1,500),WSI ($3,974.16), GR ($2,500),WSC ($17,695); 9/1/20 - 8/31/21. Add$35cases | $34,275.56 | 0064 |
AT&T CORP | Netgear Nighthawk Mobile Hotspots from AT&T. | $149.97 | 0125 |
AT&T CORP | 3 Apple iPhone 11's -Flood Science Assistance Comm Prog: 2/Comm Assistance & Prog- S. Thomas & L Gonzales, 1/Grant Coord: V.Villalobos-Pogue including Annualized Monthly Service Plan Fees | $1,742.46 | 0289 |
AT&T CORP | Nighthawk LTE Mobile Hotspot Router 512MB, Steel Grey and monthly service for FY21-5 months, April 1-August 31st 2021 | $704.97 | 0415 |
AT&T CORP | iPhone 12, 6.1 inch, black, 64-GB, OtterBox case, Belkin Screen Protector | $558.94 | 0428 |
AT&T TEXAS | FY21 Blanket for Harlingen Field Office Landline Services; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $2,100.00 | 0038 |
AT&T TEXAS | FY21 Blanket for Lubbock Field Office Landline Services; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $780.00 | 0080 |
AT&T TEXAS | FY21 Blanket for Mesquite Field Office Landline Services; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $1,920.00 | 0092 |
AT&T TEXAS | FY21 Blanket for internet connection services for Mesquite and Lubbock field offices; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $2,760.00 | 0110 |
AT&T TEXAS | FY21 Blanket for Agency conference bridge; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $1,500.00 | 0144 |
Atmos Energy | FY21 Blanket for gas utility for Mesquite field office; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $720.00 | 0046 |
Black & Veatch Corporation | Continuation of TRD-201202433, Topic 2, A Manual to Assist Utilities in Reducing Water Loss, Continuation of 1248321506 | $18,183.52 | 1248321793 |
BOAT RIGHT MARINE INC | Hull Repairs for TWDB staff custom built survey boat. | $1,250.00 | 0413 |
BondLink | BondLink Annual Subscription THIS AGREEMENT MUST BE SIGNED NO LATER THAN 12/31/2020 TO SAVE $7,500 START UP FEE | $1,200.00 | 0373 |
BULLCHASE, INC. | 50 ea. Shipping Box, Single Wall, 11R206 - 32 ECT | $30.00 | 0318 |
BUMPER MANUFACTURING COMPANY INC | Flood Science/Community Assistance purchasing a step for the new truck. | $240.01 | 0551 |
CAPTIONSOURCE LLC | Captioning Services | $2,000.00 | 0416 |
CaptionSync/Auto Sync | FY21 Blanket for Video Captioning Services; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $13,625.01 | 0248 |
CARAHSOFT TECHNOLOGY CORP | Annual renewal of the New Relic monitoring tool subscription. Current Subscription ends 1/13/2021. | $2,070.36 | 0414 |
CATAPULT SYSTEMS, LLC | Professional services to assist with Phase 1 deployment of MS Teams | $22,470.00 | 0065 |
CATAPULT SYSTEMS, LLC | This renewal covers 14 months, 09/01/2019 -10/31/2020 | $33,600.00 | 0112 |
CDW GOVERNMENT INC | 10 Sophos Central Intercept X Advanced for Server subscription licenses (3 years). $850 disc for multi year | $1,250.00 | 0260 |
Certstaffix | Registration for Elizabeth McCoy to attend the SQL Querying-Basic Class on July 19-20, 2021 via online | $990.00 | 0470 |
Charter Communications Holding LLC | FY21 Blanket for Agency cable service; 9/1/20-8/31-21 | $3,891.48 | 0034 |
Charter Communications Holding LLC | FY21 Blanket for Spectrum internet connections for the 1700 offsite locations (Hydro Lab, Centennial Towers, Harlingen, El Paso) Field Offices; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $7,380.00 | 0247 |
CHELSEA SIDENBLAD | Reimbursement to Chelsea Sidenblad for Austin Community College (ACC) Geographic Info System Capstone course to complete Level 1 GIS prof Cert from ACC. Certificate will be submitted upon completion of course. | $86.00 | 0293 |
Chris Caran | Chris Caran reimbursement Geology license renewal. Renewal through September 30, 2021. | $112.00 | 0067 |
City of Austin Utilities | FY21 Blanket for utility services for the Hydro lab; 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 | $3,200.00 | 0017 |
Clarivate | EndNote Full License 20 for the Coastal Science Team - License for single (1) user license. | $249.95 | 0430 |
Claudia Corsetti | Reimbursement for engineer's license renewal for Claudia Corsetti. | $40.00 | 0290 |
CLOUD TRAINING SERVICES | Virtual Excel Macro Basics_Tyrone Alcorn_November 12, 2020 - Not Avail through DIR vendors - save 20 - Coupon Code | $169.00 | 0279 |
Columbia Books Inc; DBA: Thompson Information Services | FY21 Thompson Grants Handbook subscription, annual renewal. | $449.00 | 0103 |
COMCAST HOLDINGS CORPORATION | FY21 Blanket Comcast internet connection for the Houston field office; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $1,680.00 | 0037 |
COMMUNICATION BY HAND LLC | FY21 Sign Language Interpreter services; 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 | $4,000.00 | 0239 |
Connie Townsend | Reimbursement for Connie Townsend for LBB/webinar training on December 10, 2020. Invoice 200015845 | $20.00 | 0381 |
CONNIE TOWNSEND | Reimbursement to Connie Townsend for WDBC Online Collaborative-Delivery Education Sessions on January 28th, 2021 | $150.00 | 0436 |
CONTESSA GALLERY & FRAME SHOP | FY21 Blanket for Framing Services for Agency Communications on "as needed" basis; 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 | $500.00 | 0143 |
COTHRON SAFE & LOCK COMPANY | FY21 Blanket for keys and locksmith services; 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 | $350.00 | 0166 |
Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities (CIFA) | Registration for Jeff Walker & Amanda Lavin for the complete CIFA online program. Course Sch runs 10/20 through Dec 14, 2020 | $198.00 | 0111 |
Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities (CIFA) | Registration for Online CIFA Conference 2021. (I Hutching-Brown, T Higgins, A Imatzu, D Kyhos, D Palacios, R Trevino and C Wilkes) 10/20, 10/21, 10/22, 10/29, 11/10, 11/12, 11/16, 11/23, 12/1, 12/2, 12/3, 12/7, 12/9, 12/14 | $693.00 | 0251 |
Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities (CIFA) | Registration_Joe Reynolds - 2020 CIFA SRF Workshops_ Non-Member | $129.00 | 0275 |
Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities (CIFA) | CIFA SFR Workshop Online Classes; 10/20-22 & 29; Nov 10, 12, 16, & 23: 12/1-3, 7, 9 & 14. Registration for 19 TWDB Employees - See ER for List | $1,881.00 | 0278 |
Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities (CIFA) | CIFA STATE REVOLVING FUND WORKSHOP ONLINE COURSES - OCT 20 - 22 & 29; Nov 10, 12, 16, & 23: DEC 1-3, 7, 9 & 14. REGISTRATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED FOR: Issa McDaniel and Caaren Skraborczyk | $198.00 | 0303 |
Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities (CIFA) | CIFA Membership | $5,000.00 | 0450 |
CRITICAL MENTION, INC. | FY21 Blanket for Media Monitoring Services through Critical Mention for Communications Division; Service Dates: Sept 1, 2020 thru August 31, 2021. (See File for Statement of Work); Customer: Texas Water Development Board; Account Rep: Sebastian Tinker | $4,800.00 | 0007 |
DALLAS CAPTIONING LLC | FY21 Blanket for Closed Captioning Services; 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 - John Zhu; | $8,798.00 | 0013 |
DARRYL SMITH | Reimbursement to Darryl Smith for WDBC Online Collaborative-Delivery Education Sessions onJanuary 28th, 2021 | $150.00 | 0441 |
DATAVOX | Additional phone services for the Houston Field Office. 9508 Digital Full Duplex Speakerphone with Backlit LCD paperless (8/ 24 keys) & IPO C/D RTS 24X7 APR 4HR - 500 V2 1YPP | $992.10 | 0281 |
DATAWATCH CORPORATION | Annual renewal (date 12/4/20) of the Monarch Datawatch license (used in Finance), Terms from 12/5/20-12/4/21. Quote # ESTIMDWCH22333 | $1,995.00 | 0057 |
DELL MARKETING LP | LAPTOP XPS 13. Line 3 of ER | $2,330.82 | 0028 |
DELL MARKETING LP | Annual KACE hardware/software renewal. Current subscription ends 9/15/20l 9/15/2020 - 9/15/2021 | $10,279.30 | 0152 |
Dennis Kyhos | Reimbursement for Dennis Kyhos for CPA required online Ethics Course #594720. Guidebook for Texas Ethical Behavior -pd 9/8/20. | $35.00 | 0029 |
DESERT RESEARCH INSTITUTE | Requesting the procurement of contracted services for the design review and software support for open water evaporation monitoring related to the buoy-based evaporation estimation stations. | $5,704.00 | 0025 |
Dream Ranch, LLC | Steno Books, Notebooks | $403.92 | 0386 |
Dream Ranch, LLC | 207-72 - Xerox/HP Q5949A Cartridge - TXMAS-18-7505 - Supplier Part#/MFG#: 6R960 x 2 EA | $102.02 | 0600 |
EnhanceSoft LLC | Premium agent - annual support system annual subscription to Enhancesoft, the TNRIS Ticketing System. Renewal is April 6 each year. | $1,920.00 | 0340 |
Enrique Canales | Reimbursement for Enrique Canales for Postman Galaxy conference registration to attend virtual training on API testing. February 2-4, 2021. | $199.00 | 0380 |
ENVIRONMENTAL SIMULATIONS INC | Groundwater Vista (GWV) software updates for the (GAM) Program staff. This modeling interface needed for staff to perform their core job functions and is the preferred modeling interface for the GAM Program. | $14,450.00 | 0267 |
ESRI | WSC annual maintenance fees for ESRI software | $40,242.95 | 0105 |
ESRI | Annual renewal of Esri desktop licenses for IT and WSI (added new licenses for WSI flood team in FY20). Current maintenance period ends on October 31, 2020. | $27,253.68 | 0114 |
ESRI | Sephra Thomas and Luz Ballesteros Gonzalez from FSCA's Community Assistance Program are registering for "Creating Story Maps with ArcGIS" course online on May 24, 2021. | $1,500.00 | 0631 |
EXECUTIVE INFORMATION SERVICES, INC. | Annual Maintenance renewal fee for the period of 7/31/21-7/30/22 for SAS | $1,504.32 | 0489 |
FedEx | FY21 Blanket for Shipping services: TNRIS, O&A ($5,000), WSC ($8,600), WSI, OGC ($300), Water Conservation, Municipal Conservation, Finance ($1,200); 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 | $18,100.00 | 0052 |
FLORES AND ASSOCIATES | FY21 Blanket for equipment repairs for printers O&A ($1,000), Fin ($1,000), WSI ($2,000); Exec ($200.); 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $4,200.00 | 0055 |
Fondriest Environmental, Inc. | NexSens RF Bulkhead Connector Assembly, NexSens UW Sensor Bulkhead Connector Assembly, NexSens UW Plug to Flying Lead Cables | $10,214.41 | 0362 |
Fox Scientific, Inc. | Lab Tubing, AQ Conductivity Standards, AQ Sulfuric Acid, Buffer Pack pH/ATC Probe. Shipping is approximately $175. | $1,440.47 | 0466 |
Fox Scientific, Inc. | STARA3255*OR Orion Star A325 pH/Conductivity Portable Meter 8107UWMMD Ross Gel-Filled Epoxy pH/ATC Triode w/ 3m cable kit | $8,915.08 | 0467 |
FRANCIA HARUTUNIAN | Reimbursement to Francia Harutunian for WDBC Online Collaborative-Delivery Education Sessions on January 28th, 2021 | $150.00 | 0433 |
FRONTIER UTILITIES, LLC | FY21 Blanket for Mesquite Field Office Electric Utility Services; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $1,800.00 | 0005 |
GANNETT SPINCO INC DBA INDIANAPOLIS STAR | Statesman is advertising/performing recruiting services for FSCA positions | $4,999.00 | 0153 |
GeoCue Group | 2021 Annual Maintenance Renewal for LP360 Basic Floating & Advanced Floating. Current expires 12/31/2021. New Maintenance Period 1/1/2021-12/31/2021 | $2,257.00 | 0341 |
GEORGIA SANCHEZ | Reimbursement to Georgia Sanchez for Registration Fee for GTOT 2021 Conference. | $300.00 | 0484 |
GHG CORPORATION | FY21 Blanket for Time Sheet Management, 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $8,582.80 | 0254 |
GRAINGER, INC | FY21 Blanket for supplies; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $700.00 | 0015 |
GRAINGER, INC | Ground Rod, Building Wire Red & Black, Aerosol Dust Remover, tools, Bailing Wire | $1,031.91 | 0101 |
GRAINGER, INC | Fixture Wire, Duct Seal, Plastic Mirrored Compass, Coated Gloves, Threaded Rod, Storage Tote, Bolts, Nuts, Cable | $3,336.47 | 0409 |
GRAINGER, INC | BOSCH Tools: Hex Breaker Hammer & Kit, Moil Point, Chisels, Asphalt Cutter, Clay Spade plus shipping | $3,826.44 | 0465 |
Groundwater Management Districts Association | Renewal of GMDA annual Organizational membership for Larry French. Membership payment due 12/31/20. Membership -01/01/2021 through 12/31/21 | $250.00 | 0347 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC | Qty 8 laptops - see QT0059215 for O&A, WSI & TNRIS | $19,185.68 | 0155 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC | Replacement battery for failed laptop battery for Shellie Coe-Mackie - LT18771 See quote: 3000074076703.1 | $81.00 | 0326 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC | 4-Port USB 2.0 Hub. appropriate to take purchase to HUB Fair | $12.99 | 0329 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC | Dell Products: docks, briefcase, adapter | $22,158.49 | 0542 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC | Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Wireless Desktop Keyboard and Mouse. L5V-00001, Black | $107.70 | 0613 |
GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC | Qty of 100 Logitech H340 USB Headsets | $2,531.00 | 0618 |
Hahn Public Communications | Communications training, 1 session (4 hours) conducted via Zoom with 2 trainers in January 7, 2021 for 6 TWDB employees: R Zoun, J Bronikowski, Y Chan, S Nuccitelli, L Munguia and M White | $2,500.00 | 0336 |
HAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION | Annual Hal File maintenance/support renewal; 9/1/20-8/31/21. Estimate # 0920-308. | $2,093.00 | 0271 |
HD SUPPLY | COVID-related supplies. Basic facial tissues per CDC Guidance re-entry. Carton contains 24 boxes with 180 sheets each | $51.82 | 0006 |
HD SUPPLY | SUPPLIES - DISINFECTING WIPES Part # PDI Q85084 | $36.56 | 0370 |
HD SUPPLY | 1-1/8" x 2-1/4" Heavy-duty clear key tag with split ring, package of 10, supplier part # 800987. TexasSmartBuy Contract # TXMAS-17 51V03 | $8.59 | 0399 |
HD SUPPLY | 9V batteries, 12-pack | $19.91 | 0492 |
HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE, LTD | Pentel Super Hi-Polymer 0.7 mm Medium pencil lead, Post-It Lined Super Sticky Notes 4" x 4" Pkg of 6 | $81.60 | 0030 |
HENRY FOUST | Reimbursement to Henry Faust for WDBC Online Collaborative-Delivery Education Sessions onJanuary 28th, 2021 | $150.00 | 0435 |
HERCULES WIRE ROPE & SLING CO INC | 200 ft Drum Grade 30 1/2 inch galvanized long-link chain. Bottom chain for buoy mooring system. | $750.00 | 0363 |
HERCULES WIRE ROPE & SLING CO INC | Galvanized Long Link P.C. Chain | $1,500.00 | 0365 |
Houston Advanced Research | Jacque Hayes and Rachel Forster will be registering to attend the 9th Annual Gulf Coast Water Conservation Symposium on October 28-29, 2020 | $50.00 | 0084 |
HYDROLOGICAL SERVICES AMERICA LLC | Field Calibration Device for 305mm (10") Dia Raingauge with Discharge Nozzle, Constant Head Tube, Mounting Adapter, Calibration Table, Instructions, Carrying Case and Discharge Nozzle for Field Calibration Device | $2,476.00 | 0401 |
HYPACK/Xylem Inc. | Hypack/Hysweep software update. | $7,500.00 | 0425 |
ImageNet Consulting, LLC | September and October payments of $280.38 for the ImageNet lease of the Konica Minolta copier in TNRIS. The current lease expires 11/8/2020 and TNRIS is not renewing the lease. | $560.76 | 0066 |
INNER CORRIDOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | Registration for GISP test preparation class for Simon deVerteuil through TeachMeGIS, discount code TNRIS2021. | $400.00 | 0555 |
INNER CORRIDOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | Registration for Fundamentals of ArcGIS (coupon code: TNRIS2021) | $864.00 | 0619 |
Innovation Event Management, LP | RFP 580-19-RFP-0419EPMS - Event Planning & Management Services (VID 12600183011) | $41,928.00 | 2000012374 |
INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR | Tech network services up to 30 hours. Details in SOW. Network consulting/troubleshooting, restoration of service. Troubleshooting Cisco voip, networking, switching, configuration, etc. Only hours used to be invoiced. | $6,000.00 | 0302 |
Insightly | Renewal of five licenses with Insightly, Inc. Renewal period is from 1/5/21 - 1/5/22. | $1,740.00 | 0404 |
INTERGRAPH CORPORATION DBA Hexagon Geospatial | Renewal of software maintenance service contract which includes maintenance on IMAGINE MrSID Workstation Encoder US ONLY, IMAGINE Objective, IMAGINE Professional, IMAGINE Expansion Pack. | $12,226.40 | 0468 |
Irrigation Association | Cameron Turner (Certified Agricultural Irrigation Specialist) Certification Renewal - Certification # 83436 - Period: 01/01/2021 - 12/31/2021 | $75.00 | 0286 |
ISACA | Renewal membership dues to ISACA for calendar year 2021 for Nicole Campbell, Nicky Carter, & Michelle Cooper 1/1/21-12/31/21 | $525.00 | 0088 |
James Golab | Reimbursement to James Golab for online training on water quality and regulations to transfer water operator license. James Golab paid upfront for training due to timing limitations. | $350.00 | 0319 |
JAYANTHI KOINDALA | Employee Reimbursement to Jayanthi Koindala for the training materials and exam fee for her recent Power BI certification | $205.36 | 0464 |
JUAN MORAN-LOPEZ | Reimbursement to Juan Moran-Lopez for WDBC Online Collaborative-Delivery Education Sessions onJanuary 28th, 2021 | $150.00 | 0440 |
KUDELSKI SECURITY | Annual Tipping Point IPS subscription renewal to 02/02/2021. Current subscription ends on 12/03/2020 | $9,438.46 | 0259 |
KUDELSKI SECURITY | Annual Deep Discovery Inspector advance threat detection subscription renewal. Current subscription ends on 12/03/2020 | $15,180.00 | 0282 |
LAB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, INC. | FY21 Blanket for annual renewal of LabPro200 eFax services; Term 11/1/20-10/31/21. Quote #44007 | $326.40 | 0178 |
LAB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, INC. | Monthly service charge to setup new eFax Line for HR Term: 12 months from PO issue | $326.40 | 0469 |
LeeRoy Lopez | Reimbursement to LeeRoy Lopez for GTOT 2021 Conference Registration | $400.00 | 0483 |
Lone Star Legacies | FY21 Blanket PO for Retirement & State Service Awards; Term: 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $5,000.00 | 0058 |
Lucia Loera | Reimbursement for Lucia Loera for renewal of PE license #121607, expiring 9/30/20. Renewal Membership 10/1/2020 to 9/30/2021. | $40.00 | 0043 |
LUCIA LOERA | Reimbursement to Lucia Loera for WDBC Online Collaborative-Delivery Education Sessions onJanuary 28th, 2021 | $150.00 | 0439 |
MAGNUM CUSTOM TRAILERS | FY21 Blanket for WSC supplies; 9/01/20 - 8/31/21 | $1,900.00 | 0304 |
Marcus Snell | Reimbursement to Marcus Snell for TFMA membership CFM Renewal Notice. Member term 12/18/2020 though 12/18/2021. | $50.00 | 0454 |
Marcus Snell | Reimbursement to Marcus Snell for Renewal of Water Environment Association of Texas Membership. Membership term is 12/18/2020 through 12/18/2021. | $50.00 | 0460 |
Matthew Young | Reimbursement to Matthew Young for maintenance/repairs on a state vehicle (Battery, Mini Bulb, Fuel Cap & Emission & Safety Insp) charges placed on his personal credit card. | $227.14 | 0285 |
McCoy-Rockford, Inc. | Labor to turn 2 cubes into 1 large cube | $585.00 | 0395 |
Media Analytics Limited | Renewal of the Water Desalination Report subscription for 1 year that includes 10 subscribers. Subscription term April 25th 2021 through April 24th, 2022. | $595.00 | 0462 |
Merry Klonower | Reimbursement to Merry Klonower for the purchase of Loopback License Key from Rogue Amoeba | $99.00 | 0295 |
Merry Maids | FY21 Blanket for Mesquite Field office janitorial services and supplies; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $3,380.00 | 0113 |
METER GROUP, INC. | TEROS 12 Extension Cable, 10 meter, Switchcraft to pigtail, for Texas Water Development Board Product code: 30832 | $1,750.81 | 0322 |
MICHAEL BROOKS | Reimbursement to Michael Brooks for WDBC Online Collaborative-Delivery Education Sessions onJanuary 28th, 2021 | $150.00 | 0447 |
MILLER BLUEPRINT COMPANY | FY21 Blanket for Miscellaneous services and supplies on an "as needed" basis for Communications; 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 or until total has been utilized. 1 Unit = $1.00 | $1,000.00 | 0051 |
Movability Austin | Renewal Membership required for participation in Mobility Challenge. Supported by City of Austin funding, provides assistance implementing agency's mobility plan. Current Membership expires Feb. 28, 2021. | $600.00 | 0418 |
MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO | Sealing Tape and ID Holder Straps | $35.91 | 0346 |
MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO | Nord-Lock washer, stainless steel, needed for deploying coastal meteorological buoys. | $337.60 | 0550 |
Municipal Advisory Council | FY21 Blanket for subscription of Municipal Advisory Council; 9/1/20-8/31/21 - DIR Exemption | $4,200.00 | 0253 |
NANCY RICHARDS | Reimbursement to Nancy Richards for WDBC Online Collaborative-Delivery Education Sessions onJanuary 28th, 2021 | $150.00 | 0446 |
Natalie Ballew | Employee Reimbursement to Natalie Ballew for paying ASBOG Exam Fee, TBPG license application fee and ASBOG PayPal Service Fee. | $511.00 | 0343 |
National Ground Water Association (NGWA) | Renewal annual NGWA memberships for 21 WSC staff, 6 new memberships and 2 member removals. SEE NGWARenewal_list_updated.pdf in PO Folder for names. Membership term 2/1/2021 through 1/21/2022 | $2,655.00 | 0394 |
New Horizons | Register Amy De Luna for New Horizons live online Course "SQL Querying Fundamentals - Part 1" on April 2, 2021, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm | $234.39 | 0021 |
NEW HORIZONS CLC | Registration fee for Katie Jones to attend the SQL Querying Fundamentals-Part 2 on November 5, 2020 via online | $234.39 | 0059 |
NEW RESOURCES GROUP, INC. | Leak detecting dye tablets, 2 per pouch. Qty 15,000 | $1,485.00 | 0264 |
Novotech Technologies Corporation | FY21 Blanket for subscription service for modems (Mesonet); 9/5/20-9/4/21 | $1,200.00 | 0312 |
OFFICE DEPOT B S D | 12-pck permanent markers. Assorted colors and fine tip needed. | $62.04 | 0023 |
OFFICE DEPOT B S D | Box sealing tape, clear, 2x55 yds, 6-pk suitable for use with a hand-held dispenser | $116.60 | 0063 |
OFFICE DEPOT B S D | Pencils, Shipping Tape, Duct Tape, All weather copier paper, batteries, pencil sharpeners for HUB Fair Nov 18-19, 2020 | $424.76 | 0327 |
OFFICE DEPOT B S D | Mechanical pencils, Zebra Z-grip pens, Roller Pens, Post-it, Notebooks/writing pads/composition books, Markers, file folders/pockets, 3 Ring Binders, Legal Pads, Jiffy Rigi Bags, Flash Drives, Bubble Mailers, Window Key Tags | $378.35 | 0335 |
OFFICE DEPOT B S D | Heavy Duty Shipping Tape with Gun Dispenser, Astrobrights Inkjet/Laser colored paper, letter size | $133.16 | 0367 |
OFFICE DEPOT B S D | Office supplies - batteries, steno pads, staples, paper clips etc | $136.94 | 0406 |
OFFICE DEPOT B S D | 12-Sheet Cross-Cut Paper and Credit Card Home Office Shredder | $63.95 | 0410 |
OFFICE DEPOT B S D | Ledger Books and sheets | $1,580.94 | 0474 |
Office of the Attorney General | AG transcript for 2020 SWIRFT Bonds. **MUST BE PAID BEFORE 9/21/20 | $9,500.00 | 0033 |
OLA Alexander Limited Partnership | FY21 Blanket for Mesquite Field Office Lease; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $24,434.28 | 0002 |
One Texas dba: Texas Gas Service | FY21 Blanket for Texas Gas Service for lab @ 1903 Hydro Dr, Austin TX 78728-7625. Account #912941284 1129131 36. Texas Gas Service Customer Service # 800-700-2443 | $600.00 | 0243 |
ONERAIN INC. | Contrail Server subscription annual renewal to TexMesonet's inventory and station database;7/1/20-7/1/21 | $12,000.00 | 0157 |
Onset Computer Corp | Battery replacement for 10 U-20 data loggers Est. No. E000038328 - exp 10/14/2020 | $3,226.00 | 0008 |
OTT Hydromet | Please remit payment for the below services with current PO: 580-18-0784, please see the attached invoice and communication thread. The requested cell service allows coastal data to be transmitted in near real-time. | $504.00 | 0093 |
OTT HydroMet Corp | Flat rate repair cost of two SatLink units, SN 1501239 and SN 1007532, according to RMA # 10940 & RMA #10637 | $1,700.00 | 0427 |
PINE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. | 4 week Rental of Groundwater Monitoring Equipment starting 4/1/2021. See ER for instructions | $1,093.90 | 0079 |
Pitney Bowes Presort Services Inc | FY21 Blanket for Presort Mail services for the Agency; 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 | $800.00 | 0167 |
Pitney Bowes Reserve Postage Account | FY21 Blanket for postage of agency mail; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $8,000.00 | 0145 |
PRESIDIO CORPORATION, THE | Annual Cisco Hardware Maintenance renewal. Purchasing: Current maintenance ends on 10/31/2020. | $31,795.22 | 0151 |
Presidio Networked Solutions Group, LLC | Server room backup power supply battery Replacement. Indicator shows the battery needs replacing. Battery is past typical lifetime. Finance: we are coding this to Other Operating Expense. 321030241 Onofre Guerra | $381.55 | 0360 |
Presidio Networked Solutions Group, LLC | 150 new AnyConnect VPN licenses with 3 years of maintenance and 3 year maintenance renewal for 200 current VPN licenses | $4,976.78 | 0398 |
PROFESSIONAL DIVERSITY NETWORK INC | FY21 Blanket for HR - 6 months of unlimited online job postings; 9/1/20-2/28/21 | $3,594.00 | 0104 |
PROFESSIONAL DIVERSITY NETWORK INC | 6 months Unlimited Job Posting Service Online | $3,594.00 | 0608 |
Professional Plotter Technologies | FY21 Blanket for Plotter services on an "as needed" basis for Communications; 9/10/20 - 8/31/21 | $1,000.00 | 0054 |
Professional Plotter Technologies | Cannon ink cartridges for TNRIS Plotters | $2,415.00 | 0486 |
Professional Plotter Technologies | 36"x110' of FineTouch 36lb. Coated Bond Paper, Bright White. SKU: FT-36LB36100-1. | $180.00 | 0546 |
Project Management Institute | Registration for Whitney Johnson and Rashid Irshad for the PMP exam. Requested Check be sent for pmt | $810.00 | 0149 |
REBECCA TREVINO | Reimbursement fo Rebecca Trevino for payment of her renewal of PA license through the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. License Period Mar 2021 - Feb 2022. | $75.00 | 0085 |
REBECCA TREVINO | Reimbursement to Rebecca Trevino for payment to renew her access to the trainings for her CPA through Sequoia CPE. | $126.50 | 0393 |
Refinitiv Global Markets Inc (DBA Thomson Reuters Global Markets Inc) | FY21 Blanket for Bond Market Internet subscription, 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $9,000.00 | 0256 |
REV.COM | Blanket for services thru Rev.com. Subscription invoiced monthly for amount of services used. NOTE: See Email B210214_email in PO folder w/question regarding services back to Sept 1, 2020 - Aug 30, 2021. | $857.00 | 0292 |
RFD & Associates Inc. | FY 2019 Online Loan Application Financial Assistance Application Re-write Enhancement | $17,365.00 | 1900012296 |
RICHMOND EQUIPMENT | Auto battery replacement, warranty 50% prorated, delivery and pickup fee. (VIN 52CG4AGA4K5020534) | $280.99 | 0311 |
SAVVY TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS | Annual renewal of Cludo website search subscription; 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 | $14,999.00 | 0266 |
SAVVY TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS | Annual Custom Search License Fee, recurring and Custom Script Development fee - search-by-date feature. | $3,750.00 | 0376 |
Seequent USA, Inc. | Leapfrog Works Hydrogeology Extension - Shared License; 365 day term & Leapfrog Works - Subscription - Shared License; 365 day term. Last year PO 580-20-0251. | $11,700.00 | 0332 |
SET SOLUTIONS INC | Annual cybersecurity training tool, licensed through 9/25/21. | $8,125.20 | 0154 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS, INC | New GoToWebinar Pro license for WSI meetings. Purchasing: this is quoted to co-term with our other GTW licenses on March 25, 2021. | $1,467.00 | 0265 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS, INC | Annual Netwrix Auditor maintenance/support for Active Directory subscription renewal; 9/1/20-8/31/21. Quote # 18925335 - Darrel Tompkins | $2,000.00 | 0272 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS, INC | Drive documentation productivity-all by voice for Connie Lopez, for ADA purposes and Arctis Pro peerless high resolution pc headset for Connie Lopez ADA purposes. | $565.68 | 0274 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS, INC | HDMI Cables - 6 Feet (24 Pack), Logitech C270 Webcam, Netgear AC1200 | $1,815.68 | 0324 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS, INC | CloudBerry Backup Bare Metal Desktop - annual maintenance, CloudBerry Backup Server Edition - annual maintenance, and CloudBerry MSP360 Windows Pro subscription | $228.50 | 0356 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS, INC | Annual renewal of 2Tableau Creator licenses | $1,667.00 | 0422 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS, INC | Annual renewal of GoToWebinar licenses. (current period ends March 25, 2021) | $12,978.56 | 0476 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS, INC | Webcameras from SHI for WSI and noise machine from Amazon for Cindy | $347.99 | 0602 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS, INC | Order for John Haney, Manager, Information Services in TNRIS. Order includes hub for his Macbook Pro with ports for two monitors, USB, ethernet, etc. Order also includes two adapters (USB C to USB Adapters). | $326.00 | 0606 |
SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS, INC | New iPad with Square stand to allow for contactless visitor registration for the 5th floor (Exec request). | $460.72 | 0622 |
SHUBHAM AGGARWAL | Reimbursement for Educational Assistance Program | $2,440.05 | 0432 |
Sine Group Property Ltd | Sine digital Registration Annual Renewal (App that allows for TWDB visitor to digitally register upon arrival) New term: 2/14/21 through 2/13/22 | $529.20 | 0478 |
SITEIMPROVE INC | Annual subscription renewal for accessibility scanning tool. Quote # 89925 | $8,724.75 | 0270 |
SOFTWARE ONE INC | New Visual Studio Pro license for Jiabao Guan in WSC. Quote# US-QUO-855049 | $585.07 | 0061 |
SOFTWARE ONE INC | Annual Microsoft Volume License renewal. Purchasing: current license period expires 11/30/20 | $28,309.92 | 0338 |
South Central Membrane Association | Renewal fee for SCMA Membership for Erika Mancha who serves as Ex-Officio Director on the SCMA Board. | $200.00 | 0431 |
SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUSE INC | Jabra Evolve2 65 wireless headset to enhance Jeff Walker's work from home experience. | $149.99 | 0060 |
SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUSE INC | Wifi Adapters for desktop users that take systems home. | $1,678.35 | 0147 |
Specialty Devices, Inc | FY21 Blanket for repairs and consumable replacements on coring and hydrographic surveying systems; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $3,000.00 | 0308 |
Sprout Social | Renewal of services starting 9/1/2020 - 08/31/2021 | $1,788.00 | 0100 |
STAPLES CONTRACT & COMMERCIAL, LLC | Supplies - Transparent Greener Tapr | $35.32 | 0354 |
Staples, Inc. | 8.5 x 11 laser print multipurpose 24# 98 bright 500/ream 104604 | $269.60 | 0164 |
Staples, Inc. | D Alkaline Batteries 12/pack & AA Alkaline Batteries 36/pack | $179.48 | 0309 |
Staples, Inc. | Avery Printable 3" x 5" Cards, 150 Blank Index Cards -- Great for Recipe Cards and Flashcards (5388) | $99.26 | 0385 |
Staples, Inc. | GBC Clear View Presentation Covers for Binding Sustems, Square Corners. Color: Clear - Size 11 x 8 ½, Qty 100 | $307.35 | 0387 |
Staples, Inc. | Batteries, Steno Pads, Pencil Lead refills & staple remover | $80.86 | 0405 |
Staples, Inc. | Office supplies - Legal ruled pads, pop-up notes, 1 subject notebooks, bubble Mailer | $195.12 | 0536 |
State Preservation Board | Blanket for Service Awards FY21. (TSPB) Capitol Gift Shop | $2,477.00 | 0463 |
STEPHEN BELL | Reimbursement for Stephen Bell for LBB/webinar training December 10, 2020. Invoice 200015806 | $20.00 | 0382 |
STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT LLC dba ISI COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UPDATED | FY21 Blanket for agencywide equipment refrigeration repairs; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $1,000.00 | 0128 |
Strohman Enterprise Inc | FY21 Blanket for InReach Plan/Garmin GPS services; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $2,500.00 | 0268 |
Strohman Enterprise Inc | Replenishment of Garmin safety devices used by SW field staff for term :12/1/21-8/31/21 | $1,400.00 | 0339 |
SUPERIOR ALARMS | FY21 Blanket for Alarm monitoring services for Harlingen Field Office, 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 | $300.00 | 0297 |
SUPERIOR ALARMS | Service call for the Harlingen Field Office on 12/11/20 | $85.00 | 0403 |
SUPERIOR ALARMS | Upgrade the existing Caddx Security System,XT-30Dialer Panel, touchscreen keypad. | $180.00 | 0417 |
Supply Chimp | 8.5x11 ClasRosewood and Black Document Frame, Wall or Table Top Display | $218.25 | 0317 |
Supply Chimp | Legal Ruled Pads, Jiffy Rigi Bag Mailer, #5 10 1/2 x 14, Natural Kraft, 150/Carton | $104.15 | 0537 |
SUSAN M KOTARA | Reimbursement to Susan Kotara for CPA License Renewal Fee paid to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy | $75.00 | 0612 |
Swag Necessities | Face Masks, imprint chare and associated shipping. | $1,863.00 | 0375 |
Synoptic Data Corp | Annual maintenance fee for synoptic services, including data feed and quality control services in support of the TexMesonet operations | $10,000.00 | 0156 |
Teksys, Inc | Modems for TexMesonet station cellular communications. Ship to lab - 1903 Hydro Dr./coordinate with Lauren Bos 737.230.6054 NIGP: 838-33 | $23,970.00 | 0094 |
TESSELLATIONS INC | FY21 Blanket for LinkIT Servers, Desktop Licenses and Consulting; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $15,656.00 | 0269 |
Texas Agricultural Irrigation Association (TAIA) | TAIA membership fees for Cameron Turner, Antonio Delgado, and Kyla Peterson for the year 2021. | $105.00 | 0390 |
Texas Alcohol & Testing Services | FY21 Blanket for Drug and Alcohol Screening; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $500.00 | 0136 |
Texas American Water Works Assoc. | TX Water Conf. 3/29-4/1/2021 Member pricing Registration for: Erika Mancha, John Sutton, Daniel Rice, and Travis Brice. Non-Member Pricing for James Golab & Andrea Croskrey. AWWA-Texas | $1,650.00 | 0368 |
Texas American Water Works Assoc. | Reg for S Anderson, K Rhodes, N Gonzales, W Alfaro, B Davis, K Smith, S Backhouse, J Devin, B Billingsley to attend Texas Water 2021 Virtual Conf 3/29-4/1 2021 | $3,600.00 | 0471 |
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts | Ivan Ortiz, Robert Reynolds, and Kathy Hopkins from Grants program within Flood Science and Community Assistance are registering for the virtual Texas Certified Contract Manager Training on 4/21-4/22, 2021 | $1,125.00 | 0621 |
TEXAS CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES | Group purchase of desk chairs for O&A, TNIRS, WSC, and WSI. | $10,429.00 | 0490 |
Texas Facilities Commission | FY21 Blanket for building maintenance, installation and/or repairs needed; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $3,000.00 | 0041 |
Texas Floodplain Management Association (TFMA) | Registration to attend 2020 TFMA Virtual Summit; Sept 29-30, 2020: for members R. Williams, A. Bernard, G. Prykhodko, I. Ortiz, S. Nuccitelli and non-member V. Villalobos-Pogue. | $1,250.00 | 0062 |
Texas Floodplain Management Association (TFMA) | Registration for Reem Zoun, Cynthia Roush & Steven Richter to attend the 2021 TFMA Annual Mtg on April 13-14, 2021 | $525.00 | 0099 |
Texas Floodplain Management Association (TFMA) | FY21 Position Postings; 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 | $1,000.00 | 0174 |
Texas Floodplain Management Association (TFMA) | 11 staff from Flood Science and Community Assistance to attend 2021 TFMA Annual Meeting April 13-14th, 2021. Early bird registration until 3/31 for members is $200. After 3/31, members pay $225. | $2,200.00 | 0261 |
TEXAS LAND TRUST COUNCIL | Register Brooke Paup for the Texas Land Conservation Conference on April 14-16, 2021 | $290.00 | 0353 |
Texas Procurment and Support Division/Comptroller of Public Accounts | Register Daniel Cardin, Contract Specialist, for CPA's Certified Texas Contract Developer (CTCD) class to be held April 6 - 8, 2021, 9:00am - 5:00pm via WebEx. CTCD class is required to attain CTCD certification CTCD certification is required to engage in | $375.00 | 0480 |
Texas Water Conservation Association (TWCA) | Registrations for J Dupik, S Hermitte, L French, S Allen, A Jimenez, Kkluge, K Peterson, J Zu, N Fernando, M Lupher, M Villeux, C Guthrie to attend virtual Fal Conference, Oct. 21 -23, 2020 | $3,180.00 | 0022 |
Texas Water Conservation Association (TWCA) | Registration for AWCA March 3-5, 2021 TWCA Virtual Conference for: John Dupnik, Sam Marie Hermitte, Daryn Hardwick, Carla Guthrie, Nelun Fernando | $1,125.00 | 0328 |
Texas Water Conservation Association (TWCA) | Registration to attend the TWCA Annual Convention on March 3-5, 2021 via online for Temple McKinnon, Sarah Backhouse, Lann Bookout, William Alfaro, Kevin Smith, Ron Ellis, Jean Devlin & Matt Nelson | $1,575.00 | 0449 |
The CPE Store, Inc. | Classes required for Susan Kotera's CPA license. | $188.00 | 0554 |
The University of Texas at Austin Testing Center | Jacque Hayes & Nathan Brock Reg for CTCM (Certified Texas Contract Manager) exam. Applicants have 60 days to take the exam once it is submitted. See ER for instructions. | $260.00 | 0366 |
Tina Cabrera | Reimbursement to Tina Cabrera for SHRM-CP Member Certification Exam fee. (Member ID 01762073) | $300.00 | 0321 |
Uline | 15x12x2 size shipping packages needed for retirement frames | $98.09 | 0320 |
University of Texas at Austin, GCMD | Srikanth Koka from FSCA's Flood Modeling program area is registering for the Management Development Program at UT-LBJ School of Public Affairs, 5/25-5/27, 2021 | $725.00 | 0624 |
University of Texas at Austin, Liberal Arts Career Services | Registration for Yi Chan for online Management Development Program at UT Austin's LBJ School of Public Affairs from November 17-19, 2020 | $725.00 | 0082 |
University of Texas Testing Center | Register Daniel Cardin for the CTCD exam to obtain required CTCD certification. | $130.00 | 0487 |
US Postal Service | FY21 Annual Postmaster Rental Fee; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $2,400.00 | 0161 |
UT Testing & Evaluation Services | CTCM Exam administered at Testing and Evaluation Services Center as specified by CPA. CTCM certification is needed for Ms. Jasse's position as a contract specialist. | $130.00 | 0429 |
Vernis Washington-McGill | NALA application fee, skills exam, NALA knowledge portion test. | $345.00 | 0452 |
WASTE CONNECTIONS OF TEXAS | FY21 Blanket for monthly trash service for lab @ 1903 Hydro Drive, Austin TX 78728 - 6 yard dumpster. | $1,800.00 | 0257 |
WATER MONITORING SOLUTIONS, INC. | SonTek Hydroboard II-Max for RiverSurveyor S5 and M9 systems and SonTek Hydroboard II soft carrying case for the Coastal Science team. | $3,135.00 | 0305 |
WATER MONITORING SOLUTIONS, INC. | Sontek HydroSurvyor M9 firmware update necessary for processing coastal bathymetry data using the M9 RiverSurveyor. Item # 45-0077 | $7,970.00 | 0383 |
Watereuse Association | Membership renewal - Erika Mancha to WateReuse, 1199 North Fairfax Street, Suite 900, Alexandria VA 22314 | $325.00 | 0288 |
Watereuse Association | Registration for Kristie Laughlin to the 36th annual watereuse symposium. March 1 - March 25. | $245.00 | 0424 |
Watereuse Association | Registration for Yun Cho to the virtual 36th Annual WateReuse Symposium on March 15-25, 2021 | $245.00 | 0472 |
Watereuse Association | Registration for Kristie Laughlin to attend the 35th Annual Watereuse Virtual Symposium, Sept 14-16, 2020 - Non-Member | $623.00 | 0601 |
West Marine/Port Supply | Coastal meteorological buoys | $4,157.91 | 0323 |
WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION | FY21 Blanket for Legal Publishing and Pocket parts; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $5,000.00 | 0056 |
WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION | FY21 Blanket subscription for Westlaw Pro online Services $8,260 for OCG; 9/1/20-8/31/21. Increase 10/21/20 Axillary charges of $7,924 per AP (see email in PO Folder) | $16,184.00 | 0074 |
Westbrook Metals | FY 21 Blanket for Metal supplies used in fabricating mounts and repairing equipment on boats and vehicles; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $1,214.00 | 0277 |
Western States Water Council | Annual membership for TWDB towards FY20-21 budget of the Western States Water Council. Membership term: July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. | $16,500.00 | 0024 |
Whitney Johnson | Employee Reimbursement for Texas Land Conservation Conference | $405.00 | 0316 |
William Alfaro | Reimbursement for an Application Fee that was paid by William Alfaro to get AICP certification | $70.00 | 0457 |
WJA Properties, LLC | FY21 Blanket for Harlingen Field Office Lease; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $17,523.48 | 0001 |
WOLTERS KLUWER FINANCIAL SERVICES | TeamMate software license renewal and full hosting (maintenance) for 3 Users, from 10/1/20-9/30/21. Quote # 500003815. | $3,306.00 | 0148 |
WorkQuest | FY21 Blanket for TIBH supplies for Exec ($100), OGC ($100), TNRIS ($300), Communications ($100), Fin ($1,000), O&A ($1,800), BOD ($300), WSI ($3,000) GR ($100); WSC ($1,200); Exec - Other ($300) - Term: 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $8,000.00 | 0053 |
WorkQuest | FY21 Blanket to hire temporary Contract Technician III position for 12 weeks; 9/29/20-12/21/21 (Cora Wadsworth) | $15,100.00 | 0076 |
WorkQuest | 12 week temporary Contract Specialist I at experienced level to assist with contracting duties during extended leave of contracting staff member. | $16,896.00 | 0097 |
WorkQuest | FY21 Blanket for Agency Document Destruction Services; Term: 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 | $1,000.00 | 0201 |
WorkQuest | 2 ea. 3 month temporary Accountant IV's at experienced level to assist with loan closing duties until vacancies can be filled. Added additional funds to cover through May 28, 2021 J. Greenwood. Additional $15,690.48 added to PO. | $39,829.64 | 0255 |
WorkQuest | FY21 Blanket for document destruction for Houston field office, 96 gal bin. Four services for the year, every 12 weeks; 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $180.00 | 0310 |
WorkQuest | Supplies: Sticky Notes, Liquid Gel Pens | $113.89 | 0313 |
WorkQuest | 15-week temporary purchaser at experienced level to assist with purchasing duties during staffing transitions. Purchaser I-III, commensurate with experience. The expense for 15 weeks will not exceed $22,392. | $18,756.00 | 0314 |
WorkQuest | Office Supplies | $147.56 | 0331 |
WorkQuest | Hiring Temp Contractor to complete projects in TNRIS. Class Title/No.: Program Specialist VII/1576, Length of Contract 420 hours/65 days/13 weeks. Ideal Start date 3/8/21. | $33,820.80 | 0337 |
WorkQuest | Retractable Gel Pens | $63.00 | 0369 |
WorkQuest | 15 wk temp Contract Specialist I, II, or III with classification & rate commensurate with experience & qualifications. The expense for the 15 weeks will not exceed $26,544 | $26,544.00 | 0419 |
WorkQuest | Retractable ID Card reel with bulldog clip for attaching to clothing. 30-in. pull cord, reinforced vinyl clip. | $114.00 | 0455 |
WorkQuest | Temp Administrative Assistant IV (0156) for 12 weeks with an amount not to exceed $16,901.00 (40 hours/wk * 12 weeks * $35.21/hour) Assist PCS Division to process purchases. Kimberly O'Connor starting 03/08/21. | $16,900.80 | 0481 |
WorkQuest | Temp Administrative Assistant III (0154) for 12 weeks with an amount not to exceed $15,019.20 (40 hours/wk * 12 weeks * $31.29/hour). Assist PCS Division to process purchases. Jason Walker starting 03/08/21. | $15,019.20 | 0488 |
WorkQuest | USB 2.0 Swivel Flash Drive 8 GB, Flash Drive 32GB USB 3.0 | $1,513.25 | 0539 |
XEROX CORPORATION | FY21 Blanket for Lease of Xerox Communications; 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 | $35,719.48 | 0019 |
XEROX CORPORATION | FY21 Blanket for Lease of Xerox copiers for Exec ($1,800) O&A ($44,000), BOD ($1,800); 9/1/20 - 8/31/21 | $47,600.00 | 0020 |
XEROX CORPORATION | FY21 Blanket for copier lease for WSI field offices (Mesquite, Harlingen, Houston); 9/1/20-8/31/21 | $6,390.36 | 0035 |
XEROX CORPORATION | Versant with Performance Package. Lease also includes the software interface, the V180EX01 Fiery Printer Server. | $23,869.48 | 0294 |
ZIEGNER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | FY21 Renewal Abila MIP Business Care Plan | $9,018.00 | 0102 |
ZIEGNER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | Tech Services re: MIP Fund Acctg app assist with Up-grading Test Environment to version 2020 & Production Environment to version 2020.3 after testing completed. Assist with Production Environment after upgrade as needed. Project Management meetings/status report | $2,571.90 | 0388 |