Flood Infrastructure Fund (FIF) Category 2 - Planning, Acquisition, Design, Construction, Rehabilitation

Category 2 of the Flood Infrastructure Fund (FIF) Program is for projects with any combination of the following phases: planning, acquisition, design, construction, and/or rehabilitation.

Eligible projects include:

  • Feasibility analyses
  • Detailed hydraulic and hydrologic studies
  • Activities to obtain regulatory approval
  • Activities such as construction, rehabilitation, demolition, and decommission
  • Planning studies that do not meet Category 1 requirements
  • Planning, acquisition, design, construction, and rehabilitation of nonstructural and nature-based solutions that do not meet Category 4 requirements

Applicants requesting FIF funds must meet the following required minimum standards:

  • For construction and/or rehabilitation projects – Entity must plan for operations and maintenance costs resulting from the proposed project. Operations and maintenance are not eligible costs under the FIF program.
  • Evaluate possible floodwater capture techniques that may be implemented.
  • Coordinate with other entities in the watershed.

Financing options for FIF Category 2 projects include loans with an interest rate of 0% and grant funds. The recipient may use its own available funds or borrow FIF funds at 0% for any portion of the remainder of the project not provided through the FIF grant funds. Use of in-kind services requires prior TWDB approval.
