TWDB Memorandum Report for Contract No. 8-REC-003 Written by Robert L. Bluntzer and John A. Derton | February 1988

Memorandum Report Prepared by the Texas Water Development Board for the Hickory Underground Water Conservation District No. 1 through TWDB Contract No. 8-REC-003.

Recommended citation:
Bluntzer, R.L. and Derton, J.A., 1988, Evaluation of the Hickory Aquifer and Its Relationship to Katemcy Creek and Its Major Tributaries for Beneficial Artificial Recharge, McCulloch and Mason Counties, Texas, Memorandum Report prepared by the Texas Water Development Board for the Hickory Underground Water Conservation District No. 1 through TWDB Contract No. 8-REC-003, 91 pages, 10 plates.
