Groundwater Management Reports

In 2017, the TWDB launched a series of reports designed to address advances and new understandings in aquifer science, distribute data on groundwater availability and quality, and provide technical support for decision-makers responsible for groundwater resource management and planning. The work documented in these reports support the agency’s mission to provide leadership, information, education, and support for planning, financial assistance, and outreach for the conservation and responsible development of water for Texas.

Groundwater Management Reports

Report Number Date Title
GMR 23-01 February 2023 Groundwater Use Planning Strategies and Best Management Practices for Drought Scenarios, Val Verde County, Texas
GMR 19-01 September 2019 Groundwater Conditions in the Cross Timbers Aquifer
GMR 17-01 April 2017 Transborder Aquifers: A Summary of Aquifer Properties, Policies, and Planning Approaches for Texas, Surrounding States, and Mexico