Texas Well Report Submission and Retrieval System (TWRSRS)

Go to Texas Well Report Submission and Retrieval System

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Tutorials, Tips, and Tricks

How to reset your password
How to select or associate to a driller

Before you can start entering a well or plugging report you must associate to the driller who drilled or plugged the well.

  1. Click Drillers List on the left menu.
  2. Image of the Drillers List screen in the TWRSRS application

  3. To add a driller to the list, click the Associate Driller button.
  4. Image of the Drillers List screen in the TWRSRS application with the Associate Driller button highlighted with a red box

  5. Enter the License Number and PIN for the driller and click OK. A user account can associate to multiple drillers if they have the correct License Number and PIN of the drillers. Contact the Groundwater Data Team at GroundwaterData@twdb.texas.gov or 512-936-0847 to obtain License Number or PIN.
  6. Image of the Associate to a Driller screen in the TWRSRS application

How to change email associated with TWRSRS account

To ensure full functionality of all TWRSRS services, a valid email address must be associated with the account. Changes to email addresses must be done in two different places.

Change in TWRSRS

  1. Go to Drillers List and click the Edit button next to the driller.
  2. Image of the Drillers List screen in the TWRSRS application with the Drillers List and Edit buttons highlighted with a red box

  3. Under Contacts, click Edit button next to the person’s name for whom the email is being updated.
  4. Image of the Edit Driller and Contacts screen in the TWRSRS application with the Edit button for Contacts highlighted with a red box

  5. Update email address and click Save button.

Change in Application Program Management (APM)

  1. Click the Home button in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Image of the Drillers List screen in the TWRSRS application with the Home button highlighted with a red box in the upper right hand corner of the image

  3. Click the Profile tab in the upper left of screen.
  4. Image of the Application Management(APM) Program home page with the Profile button highlighted with a red box in the upper left corner of the image

  5. Update email address and click Save Changes button.
  6. Image of the Profile page in APM with the Email Address field and the Save Changes button highlighted with a red box

How to update contacts or company information for a driller
  1. Go to Drillers List and click Edit next to the driller name in the Drillers List.
  2. Image of the Drillers List screen in the TWRSRS application with the Drillers List and Edit buttons highlighted with a red box

  3. Make all necessary changes to the drilling company information in the top portion of the Edit Driller window. If no changes need to be made to Contacts, click Save to save all changes and close the Edit Driller window.

    Image of the Edit Driller and Contacts screen in the TWRSRS application with the Save button highlighted with a red box

  4. If additional changes need to be made to Contacts, click Edit next to the contact's name that needs to be udpated. The Edit User Info window will appear.

    Image of the Edit Driller and Contacts screen in the TWRSRS application with the Save button highlighted with a red box

  5. Make all necessary changes to the contact information in the Edit User Info window and click Save to save changes and close the Edit User Info window.

    Image of the Edit Driller and Contacts screen in the TWRSRS application with the Save button highlighted with a red box

  6. Click Save in the Edit Driller window to save all changes and close the window.

    Image of the Edit Driller and Contacts screen in the TWRSRS application with the Save button highlighted with a red box

How to change driller or driller information on a report

While it is best to update driller information, specifically Driller Company Name and Address, before entering a new report, it can also be done on a report that has either been started but not submitted, or on a report that has been submitted. For a report that has been started but not submitted, the report will have to be saved before you can update the driller information.

The steps below can also be used if you just need to change the driller associated with a report. To just change the driller, skip step one below, editing the driller information, and start with step 2.

  1. Edit the driller information on the drillers list page. See How to update driller contact or company information for more detailed instructions on how to do this.
  2. From the Left Menu click Saved Well (or Plugging) Reports or Submitted Well (or Plugging) Reports depending on whether the report has been saved or submitted.
  3. Image of the Left Menu bar in TWRSRS with Saved Well Reports and Saved Plugging Reports highlighted with a red box, and Submitted Well Reports and Submitted Plugging Reports highlighted in a purple box.

  4. Click the Edit button next to the report.
  5. Image of the Saved Well Reports menu in TWRSRS with the Edit button highlighted in a red box

  6. On the left menu click Change Driller.
  7. Image of the Left Menu Bar in TWRSRS with the Change Driller button highlighted in a red box

  8. If you are just updating driller information, select the same driller by clicking on their name and click the Change Driller button. If you need to select a new driller, enter the License number or Driller Name in the appropriate search box and hit Enter. Click on the new driller name and click the Change Driller button.
  9. Image of the Change Driller screen in TWRSRS with the Change Driller button highlighted in a red box

  10. The updated company information is now attached to the report.
  11. On Driller Signature page, click View Draft Report to ensure the change was made.
  12. Submit the report.
How to access saved reports

Image of the Left Menu Bar in TWRSRS with the Svaed Well Reports and Saved Plugging Reports highlighted in a red box and arrows pointing to text that says Use the general left menu to access different types of reports for the selected driller. Well and Plugging reports can be saved at any point during report creation and accessed through the Saved Reports links.

How to view a draft report

On the last data entry page for well and plugging reports, click the View Draft Report button to view/print the report and check for accuracy before submitting.

Image of the View/Submit Draft Report screen in TWRSRS with the View Draft Report button highlighted in a red box

How to amend or delete a report

To initiate an amendment request:

  1. Go to Submitted Well Reports or Submitted Plugging Reports, find the report and click the Amend button.
  2. Image of the Submitted Well Reports screen in TWRSRS with the Amend button highlighted in a red box

  3. Select the Well Report Amendment reason from the dropdown box.
  4. In the Amender Comments, enter the section(s) of the report amended and any other comments about the amendment request (e.g. changed the owner’s last name from Smyth to Smith, changed lithology top depth from 110 to 100, etc.).
  5. Make the necessary changes and click through each screen in the report to submit the amendment request.

For Deletion Requests, click the Delete button next to the report in the Submitted Well Reports or Submitted Plugging Reports list.

  • When working in TWRSRS, do not use the browser navigation buttons (‘back arrow’ and ‘forward arrow’) to go back and forward in the application. Only use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the page (‘Save & Exit’, ‘Previous’, ‘Next’).
  • Image of the Save and Exit, Previous, and Next navigation buttons in TWRSRS

  • The application will not allow fractions for diameter of hole or casing, only decimal numbers are accepted; click Decimal Conversion Chart button for help.
  • Image of Diameter of Hole field in TWRSRS with the Decimal Conversion Chart button highlighted in a red box

  • When entering multiple intervals in Diameter of Hole, Lithology or Casing, click the Add button to create several blank rows; then you can use the TAB key to work through the fields, delete any leftover blank rows.
  • Image of Lithology/Formation field in TWRSRS with the Add button highlighted in a red box

    For above ground intervals in Casing and Seal Range, use a negative value in Top Depth field; for example, if blank casing installed 2 feet above ground enter -2 in Top Depth.
  • For a well report, the Plugged Back table is only for well completed above the borehole depth.
  • Image of Diameter of Hole and Plugged Back fields in TWRSRS that shows a total depth of 50 feet and that the well is plugged back from 40 to 50 feet

  • Water Quality Questions: if “No” selected for second question, “Did you knowingly penetrate a strata which contains injurious constituents?”, the answer to the third question should be “No”.
  • Image of the Water Quality field in TWRSRS showing that when No is entered for the 2nd question, No should also be entered for the 3rd question


Incorrect Credentials error message when logging into TWRSRS

If an Incorrect Credentials error message is received when logging into TWRSRS:

  1. Double check that the username and password entered is correct.
    • If they are not correct, enter correct username and password. The Groundwater Data Team can look up usernames but cannot look up passwords.
      Note: Account will be locked after 4 unsuccessful login attempts and password will need to be reset.
    • If the username and password entered are correct and the error message continues to occur:
      1. Try clearing the cache in the Internet browser.
      2. Close and relaunch the browser and try logging back in.
      3. If the error message still occurs, try logging in on a different Internet browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox).
        Note: Currently TWRSRS seems to work best on Firefox.
  2. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, try resetting your password
  3. If the error message still occurs, contact the TWDB IT Department at 512-463-4999 for additional assistance.

Unauthorized Access error message

The Unauthorized Access error message seems to be an Internet browser issue (primarily Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge). Often logging on to TWRSRS in a different browser (Firefox is recommended) will fix the issue. If the error message occurs no matter which Internet browser is used:

  1. Clear the cache in an Internet browser.
  2. Close and relaunch the browser and try logging back in.
  3. If the error message still occurs, try resetting your password.
  4. If the new password still does not work, try using a different browser because the error usually caches for a day.
  5. If the error message occurs even after resetting your password, and trying on a different browser, contact the TWDB IT Department at 512-463-4999.

TWRSRS Application not loading correctly

When websites do not load correctly or do not respond – nothing happens when the Login button is pressed for instance – it is commonly due to having too many files in the browser’s temporary storage, or cache. Clearing the cache will usually fix these issues.
How to clear the cache in the browser
If clearing the cache does not fix the issue, contact the Groundwater Data Team at GroundwaterData@twdb.texas.gov or 512-936-0847.

Error Message or no map displaying on Location Verification page

The most common reason the map on the Location Verification page does not display is that the mapping sites used by that page are being blocked by the user’s Internet settings. This can usually be fixed by adding those sites as trusted sites. The 2 links below provide information on how to make these sites trusted sites.
How to add trusted sites - Internet Properties
How to add trusted sites - In browser

Trouble downloading well reports

Some Internet browsers have an integrated PDF viewer that allows the document to be opened within the browser as opposed to be downloaded. Occasionally, users may experience issues opening the well report PDF in the browser. This can be fixed by changing the browser’s settings to have the PDF download to the computer instead of opening in the Internet browser.
How to download PDFs (instead of opening in browser)

Video Tutorials

For questions or concerns about TWRSRS contact the Groundwater Data Team at GroundwaterData@twdb.texas.gov or 512-936-0847.