Report 235 by Loyd E. Walker | July 1979
- Report 235 - Occurrence, Availability and Chemical Quality of Ground Water in the Edwards Plateau Region of Texas (pdf - 3.42MB)
- Figure 4 (pdf - 1.04MB) - Average Annual Precipitation, 1930 to 1960, and Average Monthly Precipitation, for Period of Record at Selected Stations
- Figure 6 (part A) (pdf - 1.01MB) - Geologic Map of the Edwards Plateau Region
- Figure 6 (part B) (pdf - 1.29MB) - Geologic Map of the Edwards Plateau Region
- Figure 7 (pdf - 0.61MB) - Map Showing the Approximate Altitude of the Top of the Hickory Sandstone Member of the Riley Formation
- Figure 8 (pdf - 0.85MB) - Map Showing the Approximate Altitude of the Top of the Ellenburger San Saba Aquifer
- Figure 9 (part A) (pdf - 0.91MB) - Map Showing the Approximate Altitude of the Top of the Trinity Group
- Figure 9 (part B) (pdf - 0.78MB) - Map Showing the Approximate Altitude of the Top of the Trinity Group
- Figure 11 (pdf - 0.90MB) - Geologic Section B-B'
- Figure 13 (part A) (pdf - 0.81MB) - Map Showing Approximate Altitude of the Base of the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer
- Figure 13 (part B) (pdf - 0.75MB) - Map Showing Approximate Altitude of the Base of the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer
- Figure 15 (part A) (pdf - 5.2MB) - Map Showing the Approximate Altitude of Water Levels in the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer
- Figure 15 (part B)(pdf - 2.7MB) - Map Showing the Approximate Altitude of Water Levels in the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer
- Figure 16 (part A) (pdf - 4.11MB) - Chemical Quality of Groundwater From Selected Wells
- Figure 16 (part B) (pdf - 3.60) - Chemical Quality of Groundwater From Selected Wells
- Figure 18 (pdf - 0.66MB)- Map Showing Decline of Water Levels in Southern Glasscock County, 1937-66
- Figure 20 (part A) (pdf - 0.84MB) - Map Showing Location and Amounts of Reported 1961 and 1967 Brine Production and Disposal and Location of Brine Disposal Wells
- Figure 20 (part B) (pdf - 0.66MB) - Map Showing Location and Amounts of Reported 1961 and 1967 Brine Production and Disposal and Location of Brine Disposal Wells
- Andrews (pdf - 0.73MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Andrews County
- Bandera (pdf - 0.68MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Bandera County
- Concho (pdf - 0.86MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Concho County
- Crockett (pdf - 0.69MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Crockett County
- Ector (pdf - 0.73MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Ector County
- Edwards (pdf - 0.55MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Edwards County
- Gillespie (pdf - 0.78MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Gillespie County
- Howard (pdf - 0.77MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Howard County
- Kinney (pdf - 0.73MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Kinney County
- Mason (pdf - 0.84MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Mason County
- McCulloch (pdf - 0.88MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in McCulloch County
- Menard (pdf - 0.88MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Menard County
- Midland (pdf - 0.89MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Midland County
- Real (pdf - 0.73MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Real County
- Tom Green (pdf - 0.87MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Tom Green County
- Uvalde (pdf - 0.95MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Uvalde County
- Winkler (pdf - 0.76MB) - Location of Selected Water, Oil and Gas Wells in Winkler County