Bulletin 6513 by Richard C, Peckham, Geologist, Texas Water Commission | May 1965
- Bulletin 6513 - Availability and Quality of Ground Water in Leon County, Texas (pdf - 7.82 MB)>
- Plate 1 (pdf - 3.58MB) - Geologic Map of Leon County, Showing Locations of Selected Wells
- Plate 2 (pdf - 4.65MB) - Generalized Geologic Section A-A', Leon County
- Plate 3 (pdf - 4.62MB) - Generalized Geologic Section B-B', Leon County
- Plate 4 (pdf - 3.52MB) - Areal Extent of Principal Aquifers and the Chemical Quality of Their Water, Leon County
- Plate 5 (pdf - 4.95MB) - Approximate Altitude of Base of Water Containing Less Than 3,000 ppm Dissolved Solids, Leon County
- Plate 6 (pdf - 3.64MB) - Approximate Altitude of and Depth to Top of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer, Leon County
- Plate 7 (pdf - 3.70MB) - Isopachous Map of Net Sand in the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer Containing Water Having Less than 3,000 ppm Dissolved Solids, and Altitude of the Piezometric Surface in the Aquifer, Leon County
- Plate 8 (pdf - 3.22MB) - Approximate Altitude of and Depth to Top of the Queen City Aquifer, Leon County
- Plate 9 (pdf - 3.42MB) - Isopachous Map of Net Sand in the Queen City Aquifer Containing Water Having Less than 3,000 ppm Dissolved Solids, and Altitude of the Piezometric Surface in the Aquifer, Leon County
- Plate 10 (pdf - 2.39MB) - Approximate Altitude of and Depth to Top of the Sparta Aquifer, Leon County
- Plate 11 (pdf - 2.96MB) - Isopachous Map of Net Sand in the Sparta Aquifer Containing Water Having Less than 3,000 ppm Dissolved Solids, and Altitude of the Piezometric Surface in the Aquifer, Leon County