Brownsville Large-Scale Seawater Desalination Pilot Plant Study

Project Summary

As part of the state's Seawater Desalination Initiative, the Brownsville Public Utilities Board is seeking to develop the state's first large-scale seawater desalination plant (View Schematics). A 2004 Seawater Desalination Feasibility study provided recommendation for developing such a facility at the Brownsville Ship Channel. The goal of the current 12-month pilot plant study is to collect source water quality data, and assess and optimize the desalination processes recommended in the feasibility study.

TWDB Contract Manager:
Jorge Arroyo
Funding Recipient:
Brownsville Public Utilities Board
Project Administrator:
Brownsville Public Utilities Board
NRS Consulting Engineers
Project Start Date:
July 18, 2006
Project Completion Date:
December 2008
Total Project Cost:
TWDB Share of Project Cost:
The pilot plant study will provide reliable, site-specific source data to support the design, funding and construction of a large-scale seawater desalination plant.

Project Details


Project Sponsor:

Texas Water Development Board
Jorge Arroyo, P.E. - Contract Manager
1700 N. Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78711

Funding Recipient:

Brownsville Public Utilities Board
Mr. John S. Bruciak - CEO and General Manager
1425 Robinhood Drive
P.O. Box 3270
Brownsville, TX 78523-3270

Project Manager:

NRS Consulting Engineers
Mr. Bill Norris - Principal
1222 E. Tyler, Suite C
P.O. Box 2544
Harlingen, TX 78551

Project Engineer:

NRS Consulting Engineers
Mr. Bill Norris - Principal
1222 E. Tyler, Suite C
P.O. Box 2544
Harlingen, TX 78551

Final Report

Final Pilot Study Report: Texas Seawater Desalination Demonstration Project (10.78 MB)

Project Milestones

Event Date
Statement of Interest received by TWDB March 9, 2006
TWDB Board authorizes contract negotiations April 17, 2006
Contract executed (official start of project) July 18, 2006
Project engineer selected by Brownsville PUB February 13, 2006
Pilot plant start-up date February 27, 2007


Courtesy of Brownsville Public Utilities Board/NRS Engineers - November/December 2006
