Innovative Water Technologies

Our mission is to educate the public on alternative water supplies.

Goals of Innovative Water Technologies:

  • Participate in research and demonstration projects needed to advance technology;
  • Develop publications and educational materials; and
  • Disseminate information to the public through presentations, active participation in organizations, and other outreach activities.

Through our desalination program, we administer grants for brackish groundwater desalination and seawater desalination projects. We promote aquifer storage and recovery, and water reuse through grants for research and demonstration projects and outreach activities.

TWDB has organized and hosted a number of events on innovative water solutions:

  • WaterU! - April 29, 2015
    Presentations on and discussion of ongoing water resources research at the major public university systems in Texas.
  • Innovative Solutions II - January 29, 2015
    Presentations on innovative water solutions to conserve and manage existing water supplies and develop new supplies for Texas.
  • Innovative Solutions I - April 17, 2014
    Presentations and discussions on innovative water solutions to conserve and manage existing water supplies and develop new supplies for Texas.
  • Desalination Down Under and Up Here - February 28, 2013
    A roundtable exploring the state of desalination in Australia, the United States, and Texas.
  • Texas Innovative Water - October 11-12, 2010
    A two-day conference on advancing the development of new water supplies in Texas.