Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the TWDB's role in developing desired future condition statements?

If requested, the TWDB will assist districts in identifying and accessing technical information and data necessary to develop and evaluate desired future condition statements (Texas Water Code ยง36.1081). The TWDB provided groundwater modeling services for development of initial desired future condition statements, but is currently unable to continue this service due to limited staff availability. If requested, the TWDB will help districts identify qualified contractors to conduct modeling runs.

2. How long will it take to get results from groundwater availability model runs?

The time required to conduct groundwater availability model runs depends on the number of aquifers, complexity of pumping scenarios, interaction with neighboring groundwater management areas, and other factors. The TWDB recommends that districts consult with qualified groundwater modeling contractors to identify the schedule and costs of performing model runs.

3. Can a groundwater management area be sued over approved desired future conditions? Who will represent the groundwater management area in court?

The Texas Water Development Board does not believe a groundwater management area is a legal entity or "person" that can be sued. It is merely an area drawn by the Board pursuant to statutory requirements. Therefore, the Board does not believe it is possible to sue a groundwater management area, since there is no governing body or legal representative to sue.

4. What if the District already has their desired future condition set and has calculated their modeled available groundwater, do they have to change it?

If a single district has set their desired future condition, they still must participate in the joint planning with the other districts in their groundwater management area. The condition selected by the single district may be changed by a vote of all the districts in the groundwater management area pursuant to law.

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