Lake Bonham (Red River Basin)

Lake Bonham and Dam (Photo provided by Freese and Nichols, Inc.)Lake Bonham is located about three miles northeast of the City of Bonham off FM 273 in Fannin County, Texas on Timber Creek, a tributary of Bois d'Arc Creek which is a tributary of the Red River. Designed by Wisenbaker, Fix and Associates, and constructed by Vilbig Construction Company, construction of the Lake Bonham Dam began in December 1967. Lake Bonham was created and impounded in November 1969. It was designed for municipal water supply and recreational use. The City of Bonham operates Lake Bonham and owns the water right (Certificate of Adjudication No. 02-4925) granted by the Texas Water Commission in 1987. The top of the dam is at elevation of 584 feet above mean sea level, with an uncontrolled emergency spillway at the right of the dam and its crest elevation is 571 feet above mean sea level. According to TWDB 2004 survey, the lake could store 11,038 acre-feet of water, encompassing a surface area of 1,012 acres, at its conservation pool elevation (crest of service spillway), 565 feet above mean sea level.

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