Advancing Water Reuse in Texas
Project Summary
Alan Plummer Associates will conduct a comprehensive review of the history of reuse in Texas, define the current state of knowledge related to water quality, and prioritize key research issues that will aid in advancing water reuse in Texas.
- TWDB Contract Manager:
- Saqib Shirazi, Ph.D., P.E.
- Funding Recipient:
- Alan Plummer Associates, Inc.
- Project Administrator:
- Ellen McDonald, Ph.D., P.E.
- Participants:
- Alan Plummer Associates (Fort Worth, Texas), Nellor Environmental Associates, Inc. (Austin, Texas), James Crook, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, Independent Consultant (Gainsville, Florida), Total Environmental Solutions, Inc., Jorg Drewes, Ph.D., Independent Consultant (Denver, Colorado), Bryan Brooks, Ph.D., Independent Consultant (Waco, Texas), David Sedlak, Ph.D. (Berkeley, California), Katz & Associates (San Diego, California)
- Project Start Date:
- June 8, 2008
- Project Completion Date:
- April 30, 2011
- Total Project Cost:
- $246,230
- TWDB Share of Project Cost:
- $224,498
- Benefits:
- The project will identify and gather pertinent information on Texas reuse activities. It will also confirm and define the process for establishing and prioritizing research needs; potential categories of public and private research partners; information needed by TWDB to advance research on water reuse; and, information needed by the state legislature to support advancing research on water reuse.
Project Details
Project Sponsor: Texas Water Development Board
Saqib Shirazi, Ph.D., P.E. - Contract Manager
Texas Water Development Board
1700 N. Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78711
Funding Recipient: Alan Plummer Associates, Inc.
Ellen McDonald, Ph.D., P.E. - Project Manager
Alan Plummer Associates, Inc.
1320 S. University Dr., Suite 300
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Project Participants: Nellor Environmental Associates, Inc.
4024 Walnut Clay Drive
Austin, TX 78731
David Sedlak, Ph.D.
731 Grizzly Peak Blvd
Berkeley, CA 94708
James Crook, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
Environmental Engineering Consultant
Gainsville, FL
Jorg Drewes, Ph.D.
Drewes Environmental
798 Congressman Court
Golden, CO 80403
Shane Snyder, Ph.D.
The Total Environmental Solutions Inc.
1402 Pueblo Drive
Boulder City, NV 89005
Ms. Sara M. Katz, President
Katz and Associates
4520 Executive Sq., Suite 670
San Diego, CA 92037
Bryan Brooks, Ph.D.
Bryan Brooks and Associates LLC
215 Kandis Cove
China Spring, TX 76633
Project Milestones
Event | Date |
Announcement of Request for Proposals in Texas Register | November 28, 2008 |
Proposal received by TWDB | April 23, 2008 |
TWDB Board approval | March 29, 2009 |
Contract execution date | June 8, 2009 |
Final report deadline | November 30, 2010 |
Progress Reports
- August - September 2009 (124 KB)
- October 2009 (3711 KB)
- November 2009 (17 KB)
- December 2009 (3.7 MB)
- January 2010 (386 KB)
- February 2010 (263 KB)
- March 2010 (857 KB)
- April 2010 (2,181 KB)
- May 2010 (954 KB)
- June 2010 (2,120 KB)
- July 2010 (279 KB)
Final Reports
- Component A Report: History of Water Reuse in Texas, February 2011, (3.3 MB)
- Component B Report: State of Technology of Water Reuse, August 2010, (5.9 MB)
- Component C Report: Water Reuse Research Agenda, February 2011, (4.8 MB)
- Indirect Reuse (2010 Water Reuse Survey) PDF, 75 KB
- Direct Reuse (2010 Water Reuse Survey) PDF, 96 KB