Region N: Corpus Christi Seawater Desalination Project
- Category:
- Alternative
- Total capital cost(2008):
- $213,642,000 (28,000 AF) for base option and $170,475,000 (28,000 AF) for alternate option
- Capacity:
- 28,000 acre-feet per year by 2060
- Startup decade:
- 2040
- Description:
- The region proposed to construct a major desalination water treatment plant on the Texas coast and the infrastructure for transferring potable water from the coast to the City's major municipal demand center. A water storage tank with one-half day's finished water capacity and water transmission pumps and pipeline are included to transport the finished water. For the base option the finished water is to be transported 29 miles to either the Stevens WTP to blend into the city system or to distribution lines supplying industries along the ship channel. For the alternate option finished water is transported 5 miles to a distribution facility on the south side of the City. The alternate option is identical to the base option in all other aspects.
- Location:
- The proposed seawater desalination facility will be located next to the Barney M. Davis Power Station between Laguna Madre and Oso Bay.
Location map for the proposed seawater desalination project in Region N:
Source: All information derived from 2011 approved regional water plan