Developing Future Rainfall Frequency Grids

Project summary:
Texas is vulnerable to flooding driven by extreme storm events. Designing hydraulic structures such as dams, levees, and bridges planned to last for many decades should account for potential future changes in rainfall frequencies. For this project, the TWDB will contract with Texas A&M University to develop projected future rainfall frequency grids for the state of Texas by incorporating information from historic trends and climate model projections. These future rainfall grids can be utilized for future flood mapping, planning, hydraulic infrastructure design projects, and in flood mitigation efforts.
Project deliverable(s):
A report on projected future rainfall frequency grids for the state of Texas incorporating information from historic trends and model projections.
Contractor (and Principal Investigator, if appropriate):
Texas A&M University, Dr. John Nielsen-Gammon, Texas State Climatologist
Contract amount:
Approximately $130,000
Project lead:
Rewati Niraula
Project timeline:
September 2022 - August 2025