Irrigation System Audits

The Texas Water Development Board conducted on-farm irrigation system efficiency evaluations beginning in 1987 through 1999. Building upon working relationships with groundwater conservation districts, TWDB developed a program to assist area irrigators by performing center pivot evaluations. Individual irrigators received detailed reports of the application efficiency of their center pivot irrigation systems. TWDB utilized a spreadsheet form in conducting the evaluations.

Due to resource limitations and decreasing demand, the free service was discontinued. TWDB does however have a portable flow meter available to loan to districts for their use in performing irrigation audits. TWDB staff will provide delivery and training in the use of this equipment, if necessary. Please fax, mail, or email the equipment request form to the TWDB Office.

Additionally, funding is available to eligible political subdivisions to purchase their own portable flow meter to conduct irrigation system audits through our annual competitive Agricultural Water Conservation Grants.

If you have further questions about irrigation system audits, please contact TWDB Agricultural Conservation.