Lake Ray Hubbard 2005 Geodatabase RayHubbard.mdb Boundary Boundary_Topology: topology for shoreline Shoreline: lake boundary line digitized from 1995 DOQ's islands: boundary of islands lines separated from main lake boundary Lake: Polygon feature class from lines (shoreline) Land: Polygon feature class from lines (islands) RH_xyz: copy of XYRH_allxyz.shp, 2005 data points RH_1ftcont: 1 ft contours RH_2ftcont: 2 ft contours RH_5ftcont: 5 ft contours RH_allxyz.txt: all 2005 survey data points XYRH_allxyz.shp: 2005 point feature class created from RH_allxyz.txt RH_lakebndy_poly.shp: Lake boundary (polygon) Lake feature class exported to shapefile RH_islandbndy_poly.shp: Islands boundary (polygon) Land feature class exported to shapefile RH1ftcont.shp: 1 ft contours RH2ftcont.shp: 2 ft contours RH5ftcont.shp: 5 ft contours (contours made by converting tin model to a raster) rh_vol.txt: list of areas and volumes from tin model Volume_rh_table.txt and area_rh_table.txt: above text file separated and formatted.