Palestine 2003 Palestine03.mdb geodatabase Boundary pal_83_polygon: lake boundary digitized from 1995 DOQs is83_polygon: island boundaries from 1995 DOQs (83 means projected in NAD83 state plane) cont_2: 2 ft contours cont_5: 5 ft contours Pal_pts: 2003 survey data points Pal_83_polygon.shp: shape file of lake boundary digitized from 1995 DOQs Pal_is83_polygon.shp: shape file of island boundaries from 1995 DOQs Pal_cont_2.shp: 2 ft contours Pal_cont_5.shp: 5 ft contours pal_pts.shp: 2003 survey data points palestine_elev_area_vol.txt: list of elevation area and volumes palestine_area2003_table.txt: elevatio area table formatted palestine_volume2003_table.txt: elevation volume table formatted