Gladewater 2000 Gladewater2000.mdb geodatabase Boundary bndy83: lake boundary digitized from 1995 DOQs (water surface elev. unknown) and compared to USGS 7.5 minute quad map with elev. 301 ft as conservation pool elev., assumed that elev. equals conservation pool elev of 300 ft from different source and datum, therefore, boundary is 300 ft. (See report) island: island boundaries isolated from file above (83 means projected to NAD83 state plane) cont_2: 2 ft contours glad_pts: 2000 survey data points Glade_bndy83_poly.shp: polygon shape file of lake boundary (see explanation above) Glade_island_poly.shp: polygon shape file of island boundaries Glade_pts.shp: 2000 survey data points Glade_cont_2.shp: 2 ft contours all_input_pts.txt: txt file of survey data points (x-coord,y-coord,z(elev.)) glad_vol.txt: list of elevations areas and volumes (-elev.ft,square feet,cubic feet) area.txt: elevation area table formatted (in acres) volume.txt: elevation volume table formatted (in acre-feet)